In This Article

Obesity is a major health issue around the world. Oftentimes, people do not see it as a problem. However, the numbers show otherwise.

CBD Oil for Weight Loss: Suppressing Your Appetite the Natural Way
New science says CBD oil has fat-burning properties. Shutterstock Images

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there were 1.9 billion overweight adults in 2016. This number is triple the 1975 rate. Yes, we are talking about global figures here, not just in one country [1].

Moreover, 650 million out of the 1.9 billion overweight people are obese. Add the 41 million children suffering from obesity and boom! You get the most alarming statistics in the world.

What Is CBD?

CBD is just like any other food supplement. But what makes it different is that it is from a natural source.

CBD or cannabidiolis one of the many compounds called cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. About 40% of the extract you could get is CBD.

Furthermore, cannabidiol stimulates the receptors in your body. However, it does not bind with them that’s why it does not have the kick you may get with THC.

Meanwhile, THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most abundant cannabinoid in the cannabis Sativa plant family. This compound binds with the receptors, thus giving the euphoric sensation.

CBD is most popular as pain and inflammation reliever. But with ongoing research, CBD may actually provide more health benefits than what we know of – one of them is weight loss.

CBD Oil: Can It Help Slim You Down?

CBD can help prevent obesity. This article will help you understand why some people choose CBD for weight loss.

Are You Overweight or Obese?

Using the Body Mass Index or BMI, you are considered overweight or obese when your height does not equate or balance with your weight.

For adults, you are overweight if your BMI is equal to or more than 25. If it’s 30 or up, you are obese.

On the other hand, children 5 years old and below are overweight if their BMI is over two standard deviations. They are obese if it’s more than 3 standard deviations. WHO dictates the median, based on the Child Growth Standards.

Children between 5 to 19 years old with a BMI greater than 1 standard deviation is overweight. They are obese if they exceed 2 standard deviations.

You may refer to this chart to check your BMI:

Asians BMI NIH

Health Conditions That Affect Your Weight

While some become overweight or obese because of an unhealthy lifestyle, some experience weight gain because of uncontrollable situations.

Here are some of them and what CBD Oil could do to help in treatment:

#1. Inflammation

When your metabolism does not function properly, your body experiences inflammation. The organ most affected is the pancreas.

Once the pancreas is triggered to release more insulin than the usual, the glands become inflamed. Continuous inflammation could lead to the destruction of beta cells and eventually, diabetes.

A study in 2016 showed that inflammation can also happen when the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is overstimulated [2]. CBD’s anti-inflammatory property can pacify the condition and save your pancreas.

Other than that, CBD has an antioxidant effect that could fight free radicals in the body. It means that your pancreas can act normal again and you may prevent having diabetes.

#2. Damage to Your Liver

The liver’s job is to store energy and convert it to its usable form. Intake of high-fructose food is detrimental to the organ.

A study published in 2016 showed that CBD, combined with THCV, reduces triglyceride buildup. Triglycerides are the most common fats found in the body [3].

The combination also helps in improving resistance in insulin and lowering the blood pressure. The subjects were patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

#3. Insulin Resistance

Resistance to insulin is the main effect of diabetes and obesity. Your system falls apart when you eat excessively. It happens because the more you eat, the more your body produces excess glucose.

Now, we know that too much of something is bad enough. Your cells can only absorb much glucose. As you progress with your excessive food intake, your organs panic and send signals different than the usual.

Having too much glucose is dangerous, so the pancreas feels like it needs to secrete more insulin. Because of this abnormality going on inside your body, you would feel hungry again and go through the cycle – until your organs fail to work.

But there is hope. A recent study concludes that CBD, along with THC and CBN, can actually help our cells to take glucose. These compounds are also better than metformin.

#4. Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Failure with one can affect everything. It is like a domino effect – if one falls, all follow.

The mitochondria provide energy to the cells. When a patient experiences insulin resistance, the mitochondria malfunction as well. The worst-case lead to some cancers.

In 2016, research from the Department of Biotechnology, Daegu University in South Korea proved the impact of CBD on the fat cells [4]. The information suggests that CBD can help browning white adipocytes – helping the mitochondria to keep functioning properly.

According to the Society for Endocrinology, browning is a process wherein the white adipocytes or “white fats” are turned into “brown fats.” The brown fats, also known as good fats, turn food into heat.

So instead of white adipocytes remaining unhealthy, the browning procedure makes them become useful energy to the body. The application of CBD helps in this process [5].

Take note that CBD has anti-obesity and anti-diabetic features. It helps reduce the inflammation of the organs to help the cells function properly.

CBD as an Appetite Suppressant

Our cannabinoid receptors regulate our heat production and food intake. When CBD stimulates CB2, it reduces the chances of inflammation and weight gain [6].

Do you find it amazing? Wait, there’s more! Our body has cells called adipocytes. They are responsible for storing fats (white adipocytes), and spending calories and energy (brown adipocytes).

On the other hand, beige adipocytes react to what gets triggered. You can either be obese or not. This process is where CBD can actually help therapeutically.

In a test done on rats, scientists found out that there is a significant decrease in body weight among the subjects. They injected the rats with 2.5 and 5 mg per kilogram per day for 14 days straight [7].

The CB2 receptor is the star in this experiment. The interaction with the cannabinoid receptor could actually help regulate your body weight. Further studies may also help validate the test for humans.

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Consequently, some studies show that CBD could actually help increase appetite. The subjects underwent treatment for epilepsy and 30% of them had improvement with their appetite [8].

However, the study is yet to conclude. A test done with Dravet syndrome patients gave a partial analysis. While some gained weight, some lost their appetite [9].

Scientists may also consider testing CBD intake to people who actually suffer from obesity or diabetes. This way, the results are straightforward and direct.

How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?

The Food and Drug Authority or FDA is yet to release recommended daily intake for CBD. You can find plenty of recommendations on the internet, but ideally, you should consider the following:

  • Body weight
  • Ongoing medications you take
  • Body’s reaction to CBD
  • Other health conditions

The safest advice is to get the lowest dosage possible. You only need to increase the dose when you already feel the effect you desire.

You can take one to six milligrams per 10 pounds of your weight. Say your body weight is 100 lbs., the lowest you can start with is 10 to 20 milligrams of CBD.

If you think you do not feel the effect yet, you can go with 21 to 49 mg (Mid-range Dose) or 50 to 60 mg (High-Range Dose). Again, increase only when you have not felt the impact you want.

When you have found the dosage that you are most comfortable with, you can use CBD as a supplement for as long as you want. Scientists proved that CBD does not have the elements to signal abuse, so you do not need to worry about overdoing it.

CBD Oil For Weight Loss - Final Verdict

CBD can provide a plethora of health benefits to humans. Scientists continue to labor to conclude a lot of studies; however, the sun shines brightly on them.

The results of tests show that CBD is not only an analgesic cannabinoid. It can also provide good results when infused with other compounds. It is anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and anti-obesity, among others.

Obesity is an alarming health issue in every part of the world. It is just neglected because some think that it is still normal.

There are many factors why people allow gaining unhealthy weight. Race and ethnicity could be one thing; genetics may also be at fault. Of course, lifestyle is a major factor.

Nonetheless, the world needs to keep an eye on the matter. We could not just let people die when in fact, there might be a solution.

CBD has a long way to go but with the recent tests, it could help reduce the number of overweight and obese people significantly. It is far from being THE solution but we surely are getting there.

Read Next - CBD Oil Benefits

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9 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Obesity and overweight:Obesity and overweight
[2] Role of the endocannabinoid system in diabetes and diabetic complications:
[3] Two non-psychoactive cannabinoids reduce intracellular lipid levels and inhibit hepatosteatosis:
[4] Cannabidiol promotes browning in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
[5] The browning of white fat
[6] Role of Cannabinoids in Obesity:
[7] Cannabidiol decreases body weight gain in rats: involvement of CB2 receptors:
[8] An Update on Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol: A Review of Clinical Data and Relevant Animal Studies:
[9] A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users:

Emily Wood RDN, CDN

Emily Wood is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, who helps people who are losing control of their health and happiness, to get off th