Breast Cancer Introduction

Cancer is a disease that can affect any person, whether they are a child, a teenager, an adult, or a senior citizen. It is an invasive disease that has led to the death of millions. Even today, the diagnosis of cancer remains relatively high, and the current treatment measures that are available to treat these cancers are not always effective enough to treat cancer that has advanced or spread to other parts of the body.

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among U.S. women. Shutterstock Images

There are, however, many people who have conquered their battle against cancer and are living normal lives today.

Cancer is not a single disease but rather a group of diseases. More than 200 different cancers have been identified by medical experts, and these all affect different parts of the human body.[1]

Apart from their location, cancers are also categorized based on their structure, advancement, and, of course, the rate at which the cancer is growing and possibly spreading throughout an affected patient’s body. Some cancers are more common than others.

There are also certain cancers that account for less than 1% of all diagnosed cases; in such a case, the cancer is classified as extremely rare.

Certain cancers are also more dangerous than others, while some are considerably easier to treat and have a high survival rate.

Today, we would like to focus on a cancer that is classified among the more common types of these diseases: breast cancer.

Breast cancer is also one of those that can develop in any person, and, even though it is more commonly found in and associated with women, some men also tend to develop cancer in their breast tissue.

We would like to focus on all factors related to breast cancer. We are going to start by discussing how the breasts are structured, as well as how cancer forms in the breasts.

We will also be looking at the symptoms that a patient should look out for, how breast cancer can be prevented, how doctors diagnose this type of cancer, and, of course, what type of treatments a patient can expect to undergo should they be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Finally, we are also going to discuss breast cancer awareness month and tell you how you can become involved in this movement for patients who are battling against this commonly diagnosed cancer.

Anatomy of the Breasts

Prior to discussing breast cancer and all factors related to this cancer, we should really start out by discussing the anatomy of the breasts. Knowing how the breasts are structured will make it considerably easier to identify the possibility of a tumor, and it will be easier to understand how tumors develop in the breasts.[2]

Firstly, it is important to state that the breasts of the male and female bodies are structured in similar ways, even though they appear significantly different.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, the factor that causes the difference that can be observed between the breasts of a man and the breasts of a woman are the fact that a man’s breasts do not contain developed lobules like a woman’s breasts.

The human breast anatomy, both in men and women, comprises primarily glandular tissue, fat cells, and connective tissue.

In women, the breasts contain lobes and lobules, which are milk-producing glands, and ducts that carry milk to the nipple. These structures are under the influence of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, especially during puberty, pregnancy, and lactation. These ducts are responsible for transporting milk that has been produced by the lobules towards the nipples, where it can be excreted when a woman is breastfeeding a baby.

For men, the breast structure is much simpler and less developed due to lower levels of these hormones. Their breasts primarily consist of fat tissue, along with some glandular tissue, but without the extensive system of lobes, lobules, and ducts found in women. The presence of breast tissue in men is normal, but it typically does not develop to the extent that it does in women due to different hormonal balances.

An Overview of Breast Cancer

You should now have a better understanding of how the breasts are structured and know how they function. Now, let’s move on to a quick overview of breast cancer.

Hereafter, we will look at more specific details about every aspect of breast cancer, including where these tumors most often develop and more. Breast cancer essentially works the same way as other types of cancer, like lung cancer, stomach cancer, or brain cancer.

Breast cancer is a formidable condition, representing one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women worldwide. It arises from the uncontrolled growth of breast cells and can spread to other parts of the body if not detected and treated early.

A tumor starts to form when cells that are contained within the breast start to grow uncontrollably. In addition to growing larger than they should, these cells often also tend to multiply at a relatively fast rate, thus adding more cells that continue to grow at an out-of-control rate.

The accumulation of these cells then forms a lump, which is classified as a tumor. While it may be unpleasant and quite worrisome for a patient to identify a lump in their own breasts or even in the breast of a loved one, it is important to know that not all lumps are life-threatening.

While breast cancer, which involves the development of a tumor that contains cancerous cells, is a more common kind of cancer, the majority of lumps that are found in the breasts of both men and women often turn out to be benign tumors.

Benign tumors are growths that develop in the breast tissue that do not invade the tissue it surrounds.[3]

These tumors often have a “lining,” while a cancerous tumor does not have such a lining, which causes the cancerous cells to invade the “healthy” cells in the surrounding area. This also gives the cancerous tumor opportunity not only to grow but also to spread to other areas.

A non-cancerous tumor, or a benign tumor, does not spread to other parts of the body; the cells of such a tumor do not enter the lymph system in the breasts, and they grow at a significantly slower rate, especially when compared to a cancerous, or malignant, tumor.

Types Of Breast Cancer

Apart from understanding the structure of the breast and breast cancer in general, we also need to discuss the most common locations where tumors often form in the breasts, as well as the particular types of cancer that can develop in the breasts.

To thoroughly discuss the locations of breast tumors, we really need to consider the different types of breast cancers that have been identified by medical doctors.[4]

Each type of breast cancer affects a different area of the breast, which is why it is such an important feat to be acknowledged with these terms.

When a patient is diagnosed with a type of breast cancer and understands these terms, they will also be able to understand better their particular condition, where their cancer is located and the severity of their particular condition.

The Cancer reports that breast cancer is often divided into four main categories, each with its own set of characteristics that help a doctor or specialist identify the particular type of breast cancer that affects a patient that is being examined.

These are primary categories of breast cancer:

  • Noninvasive breast cancer
  • Invasive breast cancer
  • Paget’s disease
  • Inflammatory breast cancer
  • Metaplastic Breast Cancer
  • Metastatic Breast Cancer

In addition to these four main types, another term that can also be used to diagnose a very specific kind of cancer in the breast is “triple-negative breast cancer.”.

An extremely rare type of breast cancer has also been detected in some patients and is also known as metaplastic breast cancer.

Let’s discuss each of these categories separately and take a look at where tumors are most often located when a patient is diagnosed with a particular type of breast cancer.

Noninvasive Breast Cancer

Since noninvasive breast cancer is the most common kind of breast cancer, we should start out with this particular type. Some medical reports or medical professionals may also refer to noninvasive breast cancer as in situ breast cancer.

Noninvasive breast cancer refers to a tumor that has formed in the lobules of the breast tissue. This type of tumor is can also develop in the ducts that carry the milk that the lobules produce towards the nipples.[5]

Note that noninvasive breast cancer can be divided into two different types: lobular carcinoma in-situ (LCIS) and ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS).

  • Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
    Ductal carcinoma in situ is not only known as the most common kind of in situ breast cancer but is generally the most commonly diagnosed form of breast cancer.

    It is often abbreviated as DCIS. This type of cancer is diagnosed when the cancerous cells that have formed are only found in the lining of the ducts that are connected to the lobules and the nipples.[6]

    When a patient is diagnosed with this type of breast cancer, it also means the cancerous cells have not spread into breast tissue through the walls of the particular ducts that have been affected by cancer.

    This is good news, as cancer that doesn’t spread towards other breast tissue can also not enter the lymph nodes that are found in the breasts, which means the cancer is not likely to spread throughout the body and affect other parts of the patient’s body.

    This is also the particular type of breast cancer that has the highest success rates.

    Note that in situ does not cause any symptoms to develop, and there is usually no lump that can be felt when the breast is physically examined.

    This is why frequent checkups with a mammogram are often recommended for women, like this type of scan can identify ductal carcinoma in situ.

  • Lobular Carcinoma In Situ – 

    Lobular carcinoma in situ is also a non-invasive type of breast cancer. It is, in some ways, similar to the other type of noninvasive breast cancer. While ductal carcinoma in situ develops in the duct’s lining of the breasts, lobular carcinoma in situ develops in the lobules, the parts of the breast tissue that are responsible for the production of milk.

    This type of breast cancer is not considered a life-threatening cancer, and in many cases, it is not even considered a real type of cancer.

    This is mostly due to the fact that this particular cancer is diagnosed when an abnormality is detected in cells that are present in the lobules of the patient’s breasts, but the changes do not necessarily cause a tumor to form and do not necessarily exhibit the same behavior of cancerous cells.

    Even though it is not considered life-threatening, patients should be advised that being diagnosed with lobular carcinoma in situ increases their risk of developing a more invasive type of breast cancer later in life.

    In most cases, lobular carcinoma in situ can only be diagnosed after a biopsy has been taken from the breast to analyze other particular changes that were noticed during a scan or physical examination.

Invasive Breast Cancer

Invasive breast cancer is considered a significantly more life-threatening type of cancer that can spread towards other parts of breast tissue and also affect other parts of the body, apart from the breasts.

Breast cancer is diagnosed as invasive when the abnormal cells that are found in the lobules or ducts break through these linings, or “walls,” and invade other parts of the breast.

When these cells break through the ducts or lobules, they can also enter the lymphatic vessels and blood vessels and spread throughout the body.

Similar to noninvasive breast cancer, invasive breast cancer is also divided into two different types, each based on the initial part of the breast tissue that was affected by the abnormal cells.

These two different types of invasive breast cancer include:

  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma –
    In some cases, this particular type of breast cancer is also named infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Similar to ductal carcinoma in situ, this particular type of breast cancer also starts in the ducts of the breast tissue. Unlike ductal carcinoma in situ, however, this type of breast cancer is more invasive and spreads to other parts of breast tissue by breaking through the walls of these ducts. Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most prevalent type of invasive breast cancer.
  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma –
    This type of invasive breast cancer is quite similar to lobular carcinoma in situ in the fact that it starts to develop in the lobules of the breast tissue. Like the name suggests, however, this particular type of breast cancer breaks through the walls of the lobules and spreads to other parts of the breast.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is technically also classified as an invasive type of breast cancer but is often placed into its own category due to the particular characteristics that this cancer has.

This type of breast cancer is less common than the other types we have discussed thus far in this report. According to the BreastCancer.Org, accounts for approximately 1% of all diagnosed cases of breast cancer.[7]

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer that spreads rapidly, making timely diagnosis and treatment essential. Unlike other breast cancers, IBC typically does not present as a distinct lump but reveals through swelling, redness, and a texture resembling the skin of an orange, known as “peau d'orange.”[8]

It arises from the cells lining the milk ducts and rapidly invades nearby skin and lymph vessels. Due to its aggressive nature, it requires a comprehensive treatment plan often involving chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy.

Paget Disease

While the name might make it sound like a particular type of disease, Paget disease is a very rare kind of breast cancer that most often affects the nipples.

It is important to not confuse this particular type of breast cancer with the other type of Paget disease that affects the bones.

This is why you will often see medical reports refer to this type of cancer as “Paget Disease of the Breast” or, more commonly, as “Paget Disease of the Breast” since it primarily affects the nipple or nipples.[9]

This particular type of breast cancer can affect the nipple as well as the areola, which refers to the darker skin that surrounds the nipple.

The National Cancer Institute in the United States reports that, in the majority of cases where a patient is diagnosed with Paget disease, an accommodating cancer type is often also found in the breast tissue.[10]

In many cases, physicians will find that the patient also has ductal carcinoma in situ tumor, but there are some patients that are also diagnosed with an invasive type of breast cancer when a physician finds that they have developed Paget disease.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

During the diagnosis of a tumor in breast tissue, tests are performed to determine the particular receptors that are responsible for the growth of the tumor. These tests are performed to see whether progesterone, the HER-2/neu gene, or estrogen are causing tumor growth.

When all three of these tests come back with negative results, the cancer is diagnosed as triple-negative breast cancer.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation reports that up to 20% of breast cancer patients are diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer.[11]

When this type of breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, it can sometimes be treated more effectively than other types of cancers that affect the breasts.

Unfortunately, in many cases, cancer that is diagnosed as triple-negative is hard to treat successfully and also poses as an aggressive type of cancer.

Medical professionals have also found that triple-negative breast cancer is more likely to return after successful treatment, and this type of cancer is also more likely to spread when compared to breast cancers that are not diagnosed as triple-negative.

Metaplastic Breast Cancer

Apart from the types of breast cancer we have discussed thus far, we also need to mention another type of breast cancer that is extremely rare, harder to diagnose, and often larger than other types of breast cancer.

We are referring to a condition known as metaplastic breast cancer.

Metaplastic breast cancer affects less than 1% of all patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Care UK reports that metaplastic breast cancer is considered invasive and often spreads to the breast tissue surrounding the initial site of development.[12]

This cancer type also has the potential to spread to other sites in the patient’s body through the bloodstream.

The reason it is often difficult to accurately diagnose this cancer is due to the fact that the cancerous cells tend to transform into different types of cells. 

Metaplastic Breast cancer (MBC) shows symptoms similar to those of more common types yet with distinct pathological features. Patients may notice a firm, often painless mass in the breast tissue; however, unlike typical breast cancers, MBC can exhibit faster growth rates and might quickly change in size and shape.

Note that this cancer type can be diagnosed as either mixed epithelial or purely epithelial.

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Finally, we also need to discuss metastatic breast cancer, a particular type of cancer that can be significantly more life-threatening than other types of breast cancer.

It is important that patients understand that metastatic breast cancer does not refer to a particular type of breast cancer, such as the ones we have discussed in this section, but is rather a term used to describe breast cancer that has spread to parts of the body other than the breasts.

When breast cancer reaches this point, it is diagnosed as advanced breast cancer. In some cases, it may also be referred to as stage IV breast cancer.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation reports that breast cancer often spreads to the bones, brain, liver, and lungs, but may also spread to other parts of the patient’s body.[13]

Breast Cancer In Women Versus Breast Cancer In Men

Breast Cancer in Women vs Men

Natural and Herbal Remedies. Shutterstock Image

As we have already noted, there is a common association between women and breast cancer. Even the majority of breast cancer associations solely focus on bringing about awareness for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Yes, women are much more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer due to the fact that several cells and parts of their breasts develop more thoroughly than a man’s, but this does not mean that women are the only patients that can develop this type of cancer.

There are also some men who have developed breast cancer in the past, and this type of cancer still poses a risk to both women and men.

Breast cancer, though commonly associated with women, can also affect men, albeit rare, accounting for less than 1% of all breast cancer cases. The condition, known as breast cancer, develops when malignant cells form in the breast tissues.

It is important to note that, although less common, men can also develop this condition. Symptoms of breast cancer may include the presence of a palpable lump, which is typically painless; changes to the skin or nipple; and occasionally, discharge.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in the United States, approximately one in every 1000 men will ever be diagnosed with breast cancer; this accounts for around 0.1% of all men, or even less.[14]

The 11.9% difference in the prevalence of breast cancer when men and women are compared is the primary influencing factor that causes organizations, foundations, and awareness events to mostly focus on raising awareness for breast cancer amongst women.

Breast Cancer Prognosis: Factors, Statistics, and Hope for Survival

Patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer often wonder what their outlook will be.

The prognosis of breast cancer is not specific and really depends on a variety of factors, such as whether the cancer is invasive or noninvasive, how advanced the cancer is, and whether or not it has spread to surrounding tissues or other parts of the patient’s body.

There are some statistics that are helpful for determining the average outcome of certain breast cancers.

Note that survival rates are usually given for a five-year period following the initial diagnosis of breast cancer, and even though the survival rate of certain types of this cancer may seem low, it does not, in any way, mean that a particular patient will not be able to survive their battle against breast cancer.

The American Cancer Society reports that almost all patients who are diagnosed with stage zero or stage one breast cancer are able to survive for at least the first five years after their initial diagnosis.[15]

The five-year survival rate reduces to approximately 93% amongst patients that are diagnosed with stage two breast cancer, and the five-year survival rate for patients with stage three breast cancer is 72%.

More advanced types of breast cancer do have a significantly lower survival rate; thus, the outlook for many patients may be unpleasant.

When breast cancer has spread, which means the patient has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, the five-year survival rate is 22%.

Even though the survival rate may drop as the stage of breast cancer advances, it is still important to consider the fact that many patients have been successfully treated for their breast cancer, even when the cancer has started to spread.

The key to successful treatment is recognizing the symptoms and acting upon those symptoms appropriately and quickly.

Signs and the Most Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Shutterstock Image

When breast cancer is detected and diagnosed at an early stage, it can be treated with a high success rate.

Thus, patients, especially women, are advised to educate themselves about the potential signs and symptoms that may indicate the development of tumors to ensure the development of breast cancer, should it be present, can be detected before cancer becomes invasive and aggressive, or starts to spread throughout their body.

When changes in the appearance or feeling of their breasts can be noticed, then an appointment with a professional healthcare provider should be made to investigate the changes.

When a tumor develops in the breast tissue, the most obvious symptom is most often a lump that can be noticed in the breasts. But there can also be other symptoms, such as:

  • Lump or Thickening: A new lump or thickening in the breast or underarm that feels different from the surrounding tissue is one of the most common signs of breast cancer.
  • Change in Size or Shape: Noticeable alterations in the size, shape, or appearance of a breast may be an indicator.
  • Skin Changes: The development of dimpling, puckering, or scaling of the breast skin.
  • Nipple Changes: A newly inverted nipple or changes in the skin around it, such as redness or pitting, akin to the skin of an orange.
  • Discharge: Non-milky discharge from the nipple, which could be blood or another fluid.
  • Pain: Persistent breast pain that doesn't seem related to your menstrual cycle can be a symptom.
  • Redness or Swelling: Any redness or swelling in the breast without any obvious cause should be checked.

Breast Cancer Causes And Risk Factors

Breast cancer does not have a specific cause. There is quite a lot of research being conducted on the development of breast cancer, but, at the moment, only a series of risk factors that contribute to the development of a cancerous tumor in the breast is available to help patients understand when they are at a higher risk of developing this particular type of cancer.

The most obvious risk factor is being of the female gender, of course. As we discussed earlier, breast cancer affects about 12% of all women and less than 0.1% of all men.

Thus, if a patient is a woman, they should concisiously be more aware of their breasts and obtain regular checkups to ensure lumps are not developing in their breast tissue and, should any lumps develop, to take care of the problem before it grows into a metastatic breast tumor.

NHS Choices reports that women who have gone through menopause are at a much higher risk than women who are not yet at that point in their lives.[16]

They continue to report that as much as 80% of all breast cancer diagnoses occur in women who have reached the age of 50.

Furthermore, women who have family members who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer or breast cancer in the past also seem to be at a higher risk of developing this type of cancer themselves.

Even though breast cancer is often not related to genetics, it has been found that containing the particular genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 does have a significant impact on a woman’s risk of developing a tumor in her breast tissue.

Apart from the already-mentioned risk factors, the following also seem to play a part in contributing to a higher risk of developing breast cancer:

  • Excessive alcohol use.
  • Having a body mass index that exceeds 25. In other words, being either overweight or obese.
  • Having a high breast density.
  • The use of hormone replacement therapy, including oestrogen-only hormone replacement therapy and combined hormone replacement therapy.
  • Using a contraceptive drug.
  • Prior exposure to X-rays, CT scans and other types of radiation.

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

When a lump is detected in the breast of a patient, the first step is to identify what the lump is. In some cases, it may be benign and not considered a life-threatening condition.
Even though the majority of lumps seem to be benign, it is still important to get any lumps examined to ensure they do not contain cancerous cells.

  • Mammograms are one of the most effective ways of detecting lumps. This is why women should obtain regular mammograms to check for any changes in the cellular function and structure of their breast tissue.
  • Apart from mammograms, other types of scans, including breast imaging, MRI scans, and ultrasound scans, can also be used. These scans cannot provide accurate data on the particular type of tumor that has been detected; thus, a biopsy will be needed should a lump be detected during these scans.
  • During a biopsy, a piece of tissue is removed from the tumor and sent for examination. A biopsy is the only method for determining whether a particular lump is benign or malignant.

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer Treatment. Shutterstock Image

Once breast cancer has been diagnosed, an appropriate treatment plan needs to be compiled by the patient’s healthcare provider. The particular treatment options that will be utilized to treat breast cancer depend on the patient’s current wellbeing as well as numerous aspects of the tumor that has been found.

The stage of breast cancer has quite a significant impact on the treatment options that can be utilized to treat the patient’s condition.

According to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, stage zero breast cancer rarely requires treatment as it is often considered a precancerous condition. Still, in some cases, treatment may be administered. Treatment provided to patients with breast cancer at this stage is usually successful.[17]

  • The American Cancer Society reports that cancer that is diagnosed as stage one to three are most often treated through radiation therapy, and, in some cases, surgery may also be used to remove the tumor.[18]
  • When cancer has advanced to stage four, however, systemic therapies are usually provided to the patient due to the fact that cancer has spread.
  • Patients diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer may receive a combination of treatment measures, depending on the stage of their condition.
  • In many cases, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are combined for the best results.
  • When breast cancer returns after successful treatment, other treatment measures may be executed to avoid a further recurrence of breast cancer.
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Shutterstock Image

    Breast cancer affects a lot of women, and the condition can be unpleasant and devastating to the affected patient’s life.

    While the survival rates of breast cancer are relatively high, quite a large number of women had to go through invasive surgeries where pieces of their breast had to be removed to effectively get rid of the tumor that developed in their breast.

    Every year, an entire month is dedicated to these women that are going through tough times battling against breast cancer, as well as to remember those that were not able to survive their struggle.

    This month has been dubbed Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and millions of people are participating in these events every year to show their support.

    There are events being held in every country; thus, we encourage patients—those with breast cancer, those who know someone with breast cancer, and even those who simply want to show their support—to look up local events and to participate.

    Remember that every person who participates in these events can make a real change when it comes to effectively treating breast cancer, as the funds that are being raised at these events often go towards further research into methods that can be used to successfully treat breast cancer, as well as charities that have been founded for women who are struggling with breast cancer.


    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types in women and can be devastating when it has advanced to a stage where a part of the breast has to be removed through surgery or there is no way to get better.

    Therefore, being aware of the particular symptoms that may be caused by breast cancer is an important step for women to take in order to detect breast cancer at an early stage, which may lead to a more successful treatment.

    Breast cancer is a big challenge everywhere, but there's hope. Research and people working together make a difference. It's important to prevent, find early, and treat the disease. We need to tell others, help people find what they need, and support those going through it. If we keep trying and coming up with new ideas, we can make things better for the future.

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    18 Sources

    We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

    [1] Cancer Introduction
    [2] Breast Anatomy:
    [3] Benign Breast Disease:
    [4] Tumour location within the breast: Does tumour site have prognostic ability?:
    [5] Non-invasive breast carcinoma:
    [6] DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ):
    [7] Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC):
    [8] Inflammatory Breast Cancer:
    [9] Paget’s disease of the breast:
    [10] Paget Disease of the Breast:
    [11] Triple Negative Breast Cancer:
    [12] Metaplastic breast cancer:
    [13] Stages:
    [14] Male Breast Cancer:
    [15] Survival Rates for Breast Cancer:
    [16] Causes - Breast cancer in women:
    [17] Breast cancer stages:
    [18] Treatment of Breast Cancer by Stage:
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    Elyn Jacobs

    Elyn Jacobs is a breast cancer survivor and holistic cancer strategist who helps people make better, healthier, non-toxic choices. She