In This Review


The pursuit of healthier, fuller hair can often lead us down a path of confusion and disappointment, confronted with a multitude of products claiming to deliver miraculous results. However, not all these solutions live up to their claims. Biotin supplements promise to deliver on that promise.

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. When our bodies lack sufficient biotin, it can lead to hair thinning and loss. But does supplementing with biotin truly make a difference?

In this comprehensive review, we list the best biotin for hair growth available on the market today. We'll evaluate their effectiveness, potential side effects, and overall value, using a blend of scientific research and user experiences.
Ready? Let's dive right in.

What is Biotin?

Biotin, aka Vitamin B7, is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in our bodies. This water-soluble vitamin is naturally present in various foods, including eggs, milk, and bananas, and is also widely available as a dietary supplement.

The primary function of biotin is to help our bodies convert food into energy. It does this by aiding in the formation of fatty acids and glucose, which serve as the body's fuel. But that's not all. Biotin is also vital for maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. When our bodies are deficient in this vitamin, it can lead to noticeable changes such as hair thinning and a facial rash.

But why is biotin so important for hair? Now, our hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Biotin improves our body's keratin infrastructure, improving hair health and growth.

That's why you'll often find biotin listed as an ingredient in hair growth products and supplements. Its reputation as a hair health booster is not just a marketing gimmick but is backed by science.

Why Trust Exclusive Best Offer?

We at Consumers Health Digest strive to provide the relative factual information that you should know about the vitamins and supplements in the market. We conducted hours of research on the best biotin supplements for hair growth. We also looked at what types of certifications each product has. Thus, you can trust us!

Expert’s Advice on Biotin Supplements

According to Dermatologist Wilma Bergfeld, MD, emphasizes the beneficial effects of biotin on hair disorders, stating, We find biotin to be very helpful for hair disorders. It also makes nails thicker, and oral biotin is exceedingly safe. Dr. Sardesai adds that biotin, also known as Vitamin B7 and a part of the B complex vitamins, is crucial for overall health and contributes to strong hair.

colanAccording to Exclusive Best Offer Research & Approved, Our best overall pick is Nuzena Biotin Pure + which enhance hair, skin, and nail health with the premium supplement. For a more affordable pick Folexin helps to support overall hair health and the visible quality of your hair. Buy Now with the best deals and offerscolan-1

Our Top Picks

7 Best Biotin Supplements For Hair Growth 2024

Dreaming of luscious, healthy hair? Embark on your journey to vibrant locks by gaining an understanding of the power of Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7. In this blog, we will guide you through the best biotin supplements for hair growth, unveiling the top choices to boost hair growth and enhance overall hair health.


Nuzena Biotin Pure + | Best Biotin Capsules for Hair Growth

nuzena-biotin-pure +

Nuzena Biotin Pure +

(4.9/5) 555 REVIEWS

  • Clinically Proven Ingredients
  • 100% Drug-free
  • Made In An FDA Registered Facility
  • 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Pure & Efficient Extracts
  • Form: Capsules
  • Quantity: 60 Capsules
  • Dosage: Take 2 Capsules Daily
  • Ingredients: Calcium, Biotin
  • Usage: Helps Keep Hair Thick, Nails Strong and Skin Looking Young
  • Safety: 100% Drug-free, FDA Registered Facility, GMP Gidelines
  • Refund Policy: 30-Days
  • Company Info:, +1-855-888 4151

Effective and best biotin to grow hair!!

“I've experienced firsthand the positive impact on my hair, skin hydration, and even my nails seem to be growing stronger. The transparency and commitment to quality from Nuzena, the brand behind Biotin Pure+, gave me the confidence to incorporate this supplement into my routine. Now, I not only feel more confident in my appearance, but I also appreciate the overall health benefits it provides. I wholeheartedly recommend Nuzena Biotin Pure+ to anyone seeking a reliable and effective solution for their beauty and health needs.” - Lorelai

Discover the secret to luscious hair and strong nails with Nuzena's Biotin Pure + formula. Crafted by health professionals, these organic veggie capsules are designed to promote healthy hair volume, strengthen hair fibers, and nourish the hair growth cycle. Bid farewell to hair thinning and embrace a natural solution that not only enhances your locks but also supports the strength and quality of your nails and skin.

The magic behind Nuzena's Biotin Pure + lies in its key ingredient, biotin. Scientifically proven to promote hair growth, a study revealed remarkable results among women with thinning hair. Participants who took a marine protein supplement containing biotin experienced significant hair growth in affected areas, accompanied by reduced shedding.

colanThe study [1] suggests that Biotin plays a crucial role in protein synthesis, particularly in the production of keratin. This mechanism elucidates its significant contribution to promoting healthy nail and hair growth.

The formula is not only safe but also offers a range of benefits, from promoting hair regrowth and enhancing nail strength to nourishing the skin and combating signs of aging. Suitable for individuals experiencing hair loss, thinning, or simply wanting to enhance their hair and nail health, Biotin Pure + is the ultimate solution for those ready to embark on a journey towards vibrant and resilient hair and nails.

Nuzena Biotin Pure+ serves as a crucial supplement for those looking to address deficiencies and promote overall well-being. Biotin, the key ingredient, supports the body in breaking down food into energy, ensuring both physical and mental health.

Check For Best Deal


Folexin | Best Biotin Vitamin Supplement



(4.8/5) 76 REVIEWS
  • High-Quality Ingredients
  • Non GMO
  • Affordable Price
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegetarian Friendly
  • Form: Supplement
  • Quantity: 60 Capsules
  • Age: Adult
  • Dosage: 2 Capsules Per Day
  • Ingredients: Biotin, Fo-Ti, Vitamin B6, Horsetail extract
  • Usage: Supports Natural Hair Growth
  • Safety: High-Quality Ingredients, 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Refund Policy: 30-Day
  • Company Info: VitaPost Inc, 7400 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, Virginia 23225, United States,, +1 888-455-9995

Best biotin tablets for hair growth!!

“The consistent use of Folexin has not only boosted my hair growth but also improved the overall quality of my hair. What sets Folexin apart is its safety; I never experienced any adverse effects, making it a trustworthy choice. The noticeable change in my hair's strength and volume has been a confidence booster. Folexin isn't just a hair growth solution; it's a holistic approach to healthier and vibrant hair, living up to its promising claims. I couldn't be more satisfied with the results, and Folexin has become an indispensable part of my daily routine for maintaining optimal hair health.” - Ellina D.


Folexin, the revolutionary hair growth formula, has taken the stage as a game-changing solution for both women and men combating hair loss. With a focus on transforming the approach to healthier and thicker hair, Folexin boasts a formula crafted from natural ingredients. Its widespread recognition is fueled by the commitment to supporting overall hair health and enhancing the quality of hair.

One of Folexin's key ingredients, PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid), stands out for its potential in restoring natural hair color when combined with other compounds. This carefully selected ingredient contributes to Folexin’s commitment to not just hair growth but also the maintenance of natural hair color.

colan A study source link Symposium-Hair Disorders [2] suggests its effectiveness, though not recommended solely for darkening hair. PABA plays a vital role in the B-vitamin family and showcases promise in preventing premature graying.

Folexin operates as an advanced hair growth formula catering to both men and women, regardless of the cause of hair loss, be it genetic or health-related. Safely promoting thicker and healthier hair growth, Folexin is hailed as a professional hair treatment remedy.

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Divine Locks | Best Biotin Vitamins for Hair Growth


Divine Locks

(4.8/5) 309 REVIEWS


  • Natural Ingredients
  • Vegetarian Friendly
  • GMP Certified
  • Manufactured By USA
  • 100% Money Back Gurantee
  • Form: Tablets
  • Quantity: 90 Tablets
  • Age: Adult
  • Dosage: 2 Capsules Per Day
  • Ingredients: Biotin, Spirulina, Saw Palmetto, Vitamin E, Selenium
  • Usage: Help Women Grow Healthier, Longer Hair
  • Safety: FDA Registered, GMP Certified Facility
  • Refund Policy: 180-Days
  • Company Info: 1140 South Highbrook, Akron, OH, 44301,

Top hair growth vitamins!!

“After three months of consistent use, I can confidently say that Divine Locks has transformed my hair health. Initially skeptical, I noticed a significant reduction in hair breakage and a fuller head after adhering to the recommended dosage. My hair appeared more radiant, and the supplement effectively addressed my concerns of thin and frail strands. I am now proud of my thick and dark hair, and I highly recommend Divine Locks to anyone.” - Jane


Say goodbye to hair concerns with Divine Locks, a groundbreaking hair care supplement designed to combat the root cause of hair loss and revive hair growth cells, resulting in stronger, thicker, and more radiant hair. Formulated with a potent blend of 29 natural herbal ingredients, Divine Locks is a top-rated hair growth solution, addressing issues like receding hairlines, thinning hair, and even baldness.

At the core of Divine Locks is the potent ingredient Biotin, scientifically proven to enhance healthy skin, hair, and nails, playing a crucial role in maintaining strong and resilient hair. While saw palmetto is a supplement that may aid hair growth, the current evidence supporting its efficacy in this treatment is limited.

colan According to a study shared in the Skin Appendage Disorders Journal [3] , biotin deficiency is linked to chronic hair loss problems, emphasizing its importance in promoting hair growth.

The antioxidant properties of Biotin contribute to reducing cell damage, improving blood circulation, and boosting metabolism. Dr. Jane Smith, a dermatologist, highlights Biotin's role in supporting the production of keratin, the protein forming the structure of hair strands. For those seeking a reliable solution to hair concerns, Divine Locks with its key ingredient Biotin stands out with solid research backing its efficiency.

Divine Locks is a safe and effective hair supplements with biotin addressing various hair concerns, including hair loss, thinning hair, and receding hairlines. Divine Locks is suitable for those seeking comprehensive care for optimal hair results.

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FoliPrime Hair Support Formula | Best Biotin Hair Serum


FoliPrime Hair Support Formula

(4.7/5) 226 REVIEWS


  • High-Quality Ingredients
  • Manufactured By USA
  • GMP Certified
  • 100% Money Back Gurantee
  • Vegetarian Friendly
  • Form: Liquid Serum
  • Quantity: 60 ml
  • Age: Adult
  • Dosage: Apply 2-3 Drops Into the Scalp
  • Ingredients: Lemon oil, Castor oil, Turmeric, Biotin and Tea Tree Oil
  • Usage: Support Your Healthy Hair With Natural Ingredients
  • Safety: High-Quality Ingredients, 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Refund Policy: 60-Days
  • Company Info:, +1-800-390-6035

Highly recommend!!!

“What sets FoliPrime apart is its potent all-in-one formula, which is clear evidence of the extensive research behind it. I can confidently say that FoliPrime has exceeded my expectations, and I'm thrilled with the results. Not only has it made my hair fuller and thicker, but it has also addressed scalp issues like dandruff, leaving me with healthier and more vibrant hair. I highly recommend FoliPrime to anyone struggling with hair loss or looking to improve the overall health of their hair.” - Clara.


FoliPrime is a breakthrough hair care solution designed to combat hair loss and promote vibrant hair growth. Crafted from a blend of natural ingredients, this serum sets itself apart by nurturing hair from within. The formula, free from harmful chemicals, stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to purity and safety.

Unlike traditional supplements, FoliPrime is a liquid serum meant for direct application, providing a convenient and effective approach to catalyzing hair growth for both men and women. At the heart of FoliPrime's potency is Lemon Essential Oil, a key ingredient backed by scientific evidence. Lemon oil not only serves as a shield against hair fall but also promotes skin tightening, addressing deficiencies in essential nutrients that hamper swift hair growth.

colan A reliable study published in Lipids in Health and Disease [4] highlights the astringent properties of lemon oil, emphasizing its efficacy in promoting blood circulation, alleviating scalp itchiness, and addressing concerns like lice and dandruff. This study serves as a foundation for the inclusion of Lemon Essential Oil in FoliPrime, showcasing the brand’s commitment to science-backed solutions.

FoliPrime's transformative hair support formula unfolds its remarkable results over approximately two months. The 100% natural composition ensures complete absorption of ingredients into the system, addressing hair growth in distinct phases. FoliPrime addresses potential hair loss triggers such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, shrinking and weakening hair follicles, without resorting to preservatives or harmful additives. As per the study, the biotin serum facilitates robust hair growth by purging deceased cells, scalp infections, and unfavorable conditions, providing essential nutrients directly to the locus of hair growth.

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Nuzena Hair Growth Support + | Best Biotin Pills for Hair Growth

nuzena-biotin-pure +

Nuzena Hair Growth Support +

(4.7/5) 555 REVIEWS

  • Clinically Proven Ingredients
  • 100% Drug-free
  • Made In An FDA Registered Facility
  • 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Pure & Efficient Extracts
  • Form: Capsules
  • Quantity: 60 Capsules
  • Dosage: Take 2 Capsules Daily
  • Ingredients: Calcium, Biotin
  • Usage: Helps Keep Hair Thick, Nails Strong and Skin Looking Young
  • Safety: 100% Drug-free, FDA Registered Facility, GMP Gidelines
  • Refund Policy: 30-Days
  • Company Info:, +1-855-888 4151

Best biotin hair growth supplement!!

“After struggling with thinning hair for years, I decided to give Nuzena Hair Growth Support + a try, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Within just a few months of consistent use, I noticed a significant improvement in the thickness and strength of my hair. Not only did it stop my hair from falling out as much, but it also added a beautiful shine to my locks. It is the good biotin pills for me. The best part is that it's made with natural ingredients and is completely safe to use. I highly recommend Hair Growth Support + to anyone looking to improve the health and appearance of their hair.” - Allison

Discover the solution to thinning hair with Nuzena Hair Growth Support +. A key component of Nuzena Hair Growth Support + is Spirulina, a nutrient-rich blue-green algae recognized for its hair health benefits.

This natural ingredient is a powerhouse of essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins, playing a vital role in promoting overall hair well-being. Hair Growth Support + operates by supporting the natural hair growth process without introducing stimulants, working with your body's functions.

colan Backed by a double-blind placebo-controlled study cited in the Journal of Clinical & Aesthetic Dermatology [5], regular supplementation of Spirulina demonstrated significant improvements in regrowing thinning hair in adult subjects. The study, conducted over 180 days, revealed both self-perceived and clinical results in hair thickness.

A blend of essential vitamins and minerals, including Spirulina, Plant Sterols, Vitamin E, Biotin, Zinc Oxide, and Potassium, is designed to protect cells impacting follicle strength, hair retention, and growth. This formula aims to moisturize the scalp, reducing oxidative stress and, subsequently, hair loss. Manufactured by Nuzena, known for its commitment to quality, safety, and free health consultation, Hair Growth Support + is generally considered safe.

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Dermay Bioglow | Best Biotin Gummies

dermay bioglow

Dermay Bioglow

(4.8/5) 362 REVIEWS


  • 5000mcg Raw Biotin Formulation
  • Zero Artificial Ingredients or Chemicals
  • Highest Biotin Absorption Rate
  • No Unwanted Side Effects
  • 180-Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Form: Gummies
  • Quantity: 60 Gummies
  • Dosage: Take 2 Gummies Daily
  • Ingredients: Biotin, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Collagen
  • Usage: Activates Hair Follicles and Encourages New Hair Growth
  • Safety: Non-GMO and Gluten Free
  • Refund Policy: 30-Days
  • Company Info: +1-877-422-4969,

Best biotin gummies for hair growth!!

“The unique shape of the gummies allows for quick absorption, and I appreciate the brand's commitment to quality and excellence. BioGlow has truly given me the gift of restored confidence and lush, vibrant locks, and I couldn't be more grateful for the positive transformation it brought to my hair health” - Scarlett.

In the pursuit of vibrant and healthy hair, BioGlow Hair Growth Gummies have emerged as a standout option in the ever-evolving landscape of beauty and wellness. These gummies have captured the attention of beauty enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike by promising an affordable and creative solution to hair loss caused by biotin deficiency.

BioGlow's formula contains 5000 mcg of raw biotin extract, a vital B vitamin known for promoting the synthesis of keratin – essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. The unique shape of these gummies allows for quick absorption, promising noticeable effects in as little as one month of consistent use.

With a focus on quality and excellence, BioGlow stands as a dependable hair care product committed to producing healthier and more lustrous hair. At the heart of BioGlow Hair Growth Gummies lies the key ingredient – biotin. Also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, biotin plays a crucial role in supporting healthy hair, skin, and nails.

colanScientific studies such as the one conducted by Deepa P. Patel et al., published in Skin Appendage Disorder, [6] have shown evidence of clinical improvement in patients with poor hair or nail growth after receiving biotin supplementation.

BioGlow Hair Growth Gummies serve as a holistic approach to enhancing hair health, addressing issues related to hair loss caused by biotin deficiency. It activate hair follicles, promoting the growth of new, stronger, and thicker hair. The inclusion of ingredients like vitamin E, folic acid, and collagen contributes to the nourishment and vitality of hair follicles, further strengthening hair strands and reducing breakage. With a commitment to excellence, BioGlow ensures its product is free from artificial ingredients or chemicals, maintaining a high biotin absorption rate.

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Purity Products Mybiotin Proclinical | Best Biotin for Hair Growth

purity products mybiotin proclinical

Purity Products Mybiotin Proclinical

(3.4/5) 45 REVIEWS
  • Form: Capsules
  • Quantity: 30 Capsule
  • Dosage: Take 1 Capsule Daily
  • Ingredients: MB40X™ Matrix , Natural Astaxanthin, Rice Flour, Hypromellose (vegetable capsule) and Magnesium Stearate
  • Usage: Boost the Health of Your Hair, Skin, and Nails
  • Safety: Non-GMO and Gluten Free
  • Refund Policy: 30-Days
  • Company Info: 200 Terminal Drive Plainview NY, 11803, +1-800-256-6102,

Its Work!!

“I was struggling with thinning hair and lackluster skin for months, I decided to give MyBiotin ProClinical a try, and I'm thrilled with the results. Within just a few weeks of consistent use, I noticed significant improvements in my hair texture and thickness. Not only that, but my skin feels smoother and more hydrated, and my nails are stronger than ever before. I appreciate that it's made with natural ingredients and is free from common allergens, making it a safe choice for my wellness routine. MyBiotin ProClinical has truly exceeded my expectations, and I couldn't be happier with the transformation it has brought to my overall appearance and confidence.” - Dorothy

Are you tired of dealing with thinning hair, persistent wrinkles, or brittle nails? MyBiotin ProClinical might be the solution you've been searching for. This health supplement, created by Purity Products, is designed to boost the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

With a special ingredient called MB40X, a unique biotin matrix, and the addition of powerful Astaxanthin, MyBiotin ProClinical promises to deliver thicker hair, smoother skin, and stronger nails. The key to MyBiotin ProClinical's effectiveness lies in its patented MB40X™ Matrix, a combination of Magnesium Biotinate and Arginine Silicate.

colan According to a study in Current Developments in Nutrition [7], this matrix enhances the bioavailability of biotin, making it more soluble and absorbable by the body. Betul Demir notes observes the effects of a combination of Arginine Silicate Inositol Complex and a novel form of Biotin on hair and nail growth in a rodent model.

The MB40X™ Matrix (Magnesium Biotinate and Arginine Silicate) revolutionizes how biotin is delivered, significantly enhancing its absorption and effectiveness for improving hair, skin, and nail health. MyBiotin ProClinical works by delivering a more bioavailable form of biotin, efficiently absorbed by the body to target hair, skin, and nail health.

It's a safe choice, being non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free. The benefits include promoting thicker, vibrant hair, reducing wrinkles, improving skin hydration, and strengthening nails. It's suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and while results may vary, some users report improvements within a few weeks.

Review Reviews

Health Benefits of Biotin

  • Metabolic Boost: Biotin plays a critical role in our metabolism. It aids in converting food into energy by assisting in the formation of glucose and fatty acids, which serve as the body's primary fuel. This helps maintain balanced energy levels throughout the day.
  • Gene Regulation: Biotin has been shown to activate carboxylases, enzymes that play a vital role in our body's metabolic processes. This suggests that biotin may significantly impact how our genes function, affecting everything from our physical health to our mood.
  • Neurological Health: Research indicates a potential role for biotin in managing neurological disorders. While these studies are still ongoing, they underscore the importance of maintaining sufficient biotin levels for brain health.
  • Hair, Skin, and Nail Health: Biotin is often known for its role in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to noticeable changes such as hair thinning and a facial rash.

Potential Side Effects of Biotin Supplements

One potential side effect of excessive biotin intake is skin rashes. These rashes usually appear around the eyes, nose, and mouth, and can be a sign of taking more biotin than your body can handle.

In some rare cases, excessive biotin has been linked with symptoms related to kidney function, including increased thirst and urination. If you experience these symptoms, it might be time to reassess your biotin dosage with the guidance of a professional.

Another possible side effect is an upset stomach. While this is less common, it's something to keep in mind if you're considering high-dose biotin supplementation.

A significant thing to remember is that biotin can interfere with certain laboratory tests, leading to potentially inaccurate results. This is particularly relevant for tests related to thyroid or hormonal health. Therefore, if you are taking biotin supplements, inform your healthcare provider.

Despite these potential side effects, biotin is generally considered safe and non-toxic, even in higher doses. Most people can take biotin without experiencing any adverse effects.

What to Look for in the Best Biotin Supplement?

Here's what to look for when shopping for a biotin supplement:

  • Dosage: The best biotin tablets for hair growth come in various dosages, from 10 mcg to 100 mcg. The optimal dosage depends on your individual needs and should be determined in consultation with a healthcare professional.
  • Added Nutrients: Some biotin supplements also contain other beneficial nutrients like vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, zinc, copper, keratin, amla fruit extract, and silicon. These added nutrients can help enhance the overall benefits of the supplement.
  • Brand Reputation: Consider the reputation of the brand. Brands that are recommended by experts are often generally reliable choices.
  • Value for Money: Compare prices and quantities to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.

Who Should Take a Biotin Supplement?

biotin for hair growth results

Based on the Biotin for Hair Loss review, it is generally recommended that individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning, especially those who have undergone weight loss surgery leading to nutrient deficiencies affecting hair health, consider taking biotin supplements. Additionally, individuals with a confirmed biotin deficiency, which can manifest as hair loss among other symptoms, may also benefit from biotin supplementation.

Still, if you're considering the best biotin for hair growth, consult a healthcare provider who can assess your needs and guide you accordingly.

Product Comparison

To help you decide, here is a brief comparison of our top picks:

Nuzena Biotin Pure + Folexin Divine Locks FoliPrime Hair Support Formula Nuzena Hair Growth Support +
Rating star-4.9 star-4.8 star-4.7 star-4. star-4.8
Cost $30.00 $24.95 $39.00 $69.00 $45.00
Dosage Take 2 Capsules Daily Take 2 Capsules Daily Take 2 Capsules Daily Apply 2-3 Drops Into the Scalpy Take 2 Capsules Daily
Usage Helps Hair, Nails and Skin Looking Young Supports Natural Hair Growth Help Women Grow Healthier, Longer Hair Support Your Healthy Hair With Natural Ingredients Helps Keep Hair Thick, Nails Strong
Return Policy 30 Days 30 Day 180 Days 60 Days 30 Day
Pros FDA Registered Facility, GMP Gidelines 100% Money Back Guarantee FDA Registered, GMP Certified Facility High-Quality Ingredients 100% Drug-free, FDA Registered Facility
Review All in One BiotinSupplement Highly Recommended Quick Results All Natural Ingredients No Chemical Harm or Side Effect
Shop Now

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Are biotin supplements safe to take?

A: Most people can take biotin supplements without any adverse effects, but some may experience stomach upset, skin rashes, or kidney problems. Also, biotin can interfere with certain lab tests. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting a new supplement.

Q: How much biotin do I need?

A: The recommended daily intake for adults is 30 micrograms, but the dosage in supplements often exceeds this. It's best to discuss your individual needs with a healthcare provider.

Q: How long does it take to see results from biotin supplements?

A: It varies between individuals and depends on the cause of hair loss. Generally, it might take 3-6 months of consistent use to notice changes.

Q: Should I take biotin every day?

A: If you decide to take a biotin supplement, it's typically taken daily. However, it's crucial to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the product label.

Q: What strength of biotin should I take?

A: Supplement strengths vary widely, from 1,000 to 10,000 micrograms per dose. Your healthcare provider can help determine the right strength for you based on your circumstances.


So, we've looked at biotin supplements for hair growth, exploring what to look for in a supplement, who might benefit from taking one, and the best biotin supplements for hair growth on the market today. We've learned that the best supplement for you will depend on factors like dosage, added nutrients, form, brand reputation, and value for money.

Remember, even the best biotin vitamins are not a cure-all, but rather a tool to complement a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Always talk to your doctor to determine the right approach for your individual needs. Now, go on, pick what you think is the best biotin supplement - one that ticks all your boxes - and see what it has to offer.

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Anne Anyia, RN

Anne Anyia is a UK based BANT and CNHC registered Nutritional Therapist and Consultant specializing in weight loss and weight managemen

7 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Patel, D. P., Swink, S. M., & Castelo-Soccio, L. (2017). A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss. Skin Appendage Disord., 3(3), 166–169. doi: 10.1159/000462981
[2] View PDF - Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. (2019, May 02). Retrieved from
[3] Patel DP, Swink SM, Castelo-Soccio L. A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss. Skin Appendage Disord. 2017 Aug;3(3):166-169. doi: 10.1159/000462981. Epub 2017 Apr 27. PMID: 28879195; PMCID: PMC5582478.
[4] Ben Hsouna A, Ben Halima N, Smaoui S, Hamdi N. Citrus lemon essential oil: chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities with its preservative effect against Listeria monocytogenes inoculated in minced beef meat. Lipids Health Dis. 2017 Aug 3;16(1):146. doi: 10.1186/s12944-017-0487-5. PMID: 28774297; PMCID: PMC5543433.
[5] Patel DP, Swink SM, Castelo-Soccio L. A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss. Skin Appendage Disord. 2017 Aug;3(3):166-169. doi: 10.1159/000462981. Epub 2017 Apr 27. PMID: 28879195; PMCID: PMC5582478.
[6] Komorowski J, Ojalvo SP, Sylla S, Cicek D, Demir B, Orhan C, Tuzcu M, Sahin N, Sahin K. The Effect of a Combination of an Arginine Silicate Complex and Magnesium Biotinate on Hair and Nail Growth in Rats (P06-026-19). Curr Dev Nutr. 2019 Jun 13;3(Suppl 1):nzz031.P06-026-19. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzz031.P06-026-19. PMCID: PMC6574915.
[7] Demir B, Cicek D, Orhan C, Er B, Erten F, Tuzcu M, Ozercan IH, Sahin N, Komorowski J, Ojalvo SP, Sylla S, Sahin K. Effects of a Combination of Arginine Silicate Inositol Complex and a Novel Form of Biotin on Hair and Nail Growth in a Rodent Model. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2023 Feb;201(2):751-765. doi: 10.1007/s12011-022-03176-9. Epub 2022 Feb 28. PMID: 35226275; PMCID: PMC8883010.

**This is a subjective assessment based on the strength of the available informations and our estimation of efficacy.

*Result may vary. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a serious medical condition, or have a history of heart conditions we suggest consulting with a physician before using any supplement. The information contained in this website is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be relied upon as a medical advice. Always consult your doctor before using any supplements.

Disclosure of Material connection: Some of the links in the post above are "associate sales links." This means if you can click on the link and purchase an item, we will receive a commission. Regardless, we only recommend products or services which we use personally and/or believe will add value to our readers. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials."