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What is Lip Burning Sensation?

A sensation that your lips are burning could either be a totally harmless annoyance or could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

Lip Burning Sensation - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments
What Causes Lip Burning Sensation?

It can range from causes such as dry or chapped lips or nerve problems. In this article, the symptoms, causes and natural ways of treatment of a lip burning sensation will be discussed.

What are the Symptoms of Lip Burning Sensation?

The main symptom of this condition is, of course, a burning sensation on lip.[1] This symptom will also be couple be pain or swelling of the lips. Dry and chapped lips may also be present. In instances where the lips are so cracked that they start bleeding, this could also be a sign of lip burning.

What are the Causes of Lip Burning Sensation?

It is always best to consult with your dermatologist first. Certain symptoms of chapped lips can signal a more serious underlying disease.

It is thus important to first rule out any serious infection or illness that could be causing your lips to become chapped. Dry cracked and lip burning sensation can be treated in a variety of ways.[2] The first consideration should be the cause of the burning sensation on your lips.

Burnt lips can be treated using special ointments and creams prescribed by your dermatologist. Constant moisturization of your lips can also cure the drying.

The following are common factors that causes burning on lips.[3]

  • Lip Injury
  • Over exposure to the sun
  • Neuropathy
  • Chapped and dry lips
  • Chemical Burn
  • Thermal Burn
  • Mouth Trauma or Injury

What are the Natural Ways to treat Lip Burning Sensation?

Treatment will always vary depending on the cause of your burned lips. In more serious and chronic situations, special treatments and ointments have to be recommended by your dermatologist to alleviate any dryness on your lips.

According to Doctor Oz, you should look out for certain ingredients such as lanolin, beeswax, shea butter, and Vitamin E since these components will not only moisturize but also locks in moisture to keep your lips healthy and luscious.

In order to avoid the appearance of unsightly chapped lips, the following tips should be of great help to you:

  • Always moisturize lips using lip balms containing beeswax and other natural lip moisturizers.
  • Drink Plenty of Water: Water not only keeps your body hydrated, but it will also keep your lips moisturised and healthy-looking. It is also important to drink more water during the winter since the weather is a little bit harsher during this period.
  • Eat Healthy: You should always be careful when it comes to the kind of food you take in, or in this instance, the type of food that you don’t take in. A deficiency of B vitamins can trigger dry lips. A good way to ensure that you are getting enough B vitamins in your system is to always opt for unprocessed foods since these are jam-packed with this vitamin. Also, in the book on biochemical, physiological, and molecular aspects of human nutrition, it has been stated that meats such as turkey, tuna, and liver are also rich in B vitamins.
  • Don't Lick Your Lips: Stop the lip licking! Stop it right this instant! Licking your lips can dry out your lips even more than they were before you started licking them. According to study, the enzymes in your saliva are there to aid your digestion.[2] When these enzymes come into contact with your sensitive lips, this, in turn, makes your lips drier and more sensitive.
  • Rubbing Your Lips with Sugar: Exfoliate using a special sugar and honey blend. Sugar will serve as your natural exfoliant, while honey is an all-around moisturizer. The combination of these two will have your lips feeling soft and moisturised in no time.
  • No Biting: Simple habits such as habitually biting your lips can also be detrimental to the health of your lips. You see, saliva is rich with enzymes that are supposed to aid in your digestion, having these enzymes come in contact with your lips a little bit too often will cause them to dry out. Doctor Oz (of Oprah fame) also recommends having family members periodically check on you when you are sleeping since some people also do this without even noticing it in their sleep.
  • Exfoliate Lips Regularly: Exfoliate your lips by using a sugar and honey mix or by just using your regular toothbrush and creating soft, small circles. These routines will encourage the circulation of blood into your lips.
  • Protect Your Lips from Sun Damage: When lips are exposed to the harsh rays of the sun for too long, they will become sunburnt, dry, swollen, and may even end up bleeding. Always remember to have a lip balm with sun protection on it to guard your lips against the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Final Verdict

Always remember to check the cause of the burning sensation on your lips because, in certain cases, immediate medical attention is a must!

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Donna Fisher

Donna is an award-winning health, wellness, and beauty writer based in Texas. She has also published eBooks and edited several other