
Many people get annoyed by longer, curly eyebrows. While constant trimming is not the best solution, the quest for straight eyebrows remains a bigger challenge to many.

How to Straighten Your Curly Eyebrows Fast?
Straighten your curly brows speedily. Shutterstock Images

Your eyebrows become even more uneven as you become older. Oonagh Connor, a makeup celebrity artist based in London, says that very thin eyebrows look terribly old-fashioned and can make your face look a little older.

She adds that strong brow frames your face and defines its structure and appearance.

What Define Your Eyebrows?

Your eyebrows have the same qualities as your hair in both color and style. It is the main reason you will find that if your hair is curly or grows fast, the same happens to your eyebrows.

Genes define the appearance of your hair as well as your eyebrows. However, just like with your hair, there are some cosmetic products and practices that can affect the shape, style, and color of your eyebrows.

Other factors that define your eyebrows include weather, environment, lifestyle and diet.

Dealing with Curly Eyebrows

There are several ways you can handle curly eyebrows for an improved look on the face.

Remove Unwanted Hairs
  • Remove Unwanted Hairs: Pluck unwanted eyebrows that you feel are out of place. It can be quite challenging to keep track of the hairs that you need to pluck. To overcome this challenge, use a concealer on top of the hairs to be plucked. This will help find out how it will look like after the unwanted hairs have been removed. Don't rush into the perfect shape, but start by removing any stray hairs and work inwards.
  • Read Also: How to Grow Back Over-Plucked Eyebrows?

  • Trimming: If you feel that your curly brows are out of control, trimming should be the first step in taming their growth. Trimming should go hand in hand with brushing. It's after brushing that you will be able to notice how long they are and determine the length to trim. Use a trimmer and a pair of tweezers to shape your eyebrows to get your desired look. Be cautious not to overdo it because trimming is a one-way procedure that cannot be reversed. Exploration through beauty magazines can be helpful in finding out the current eyebrow trends. If you have never tried trimming before, use a brow shaper to guide throughout the process.
  • Wax and Gel
  • Use Wax and Gel: After you are done with trimming and brushing, the next major step you should take is to apply wax. These help in keeping your eyebrows straight while locking them perfectly in shape. After waxing, apply a brow gel on the top. The brow gel doubles the power of locking your brows making them straight and stronger for longer.
  • Use Massage Oil: If you are trying to straighten your eyebrows at home, apply the best eyebrow growth oil which contains coconut or olive if you don’t have access to gel or wax. Massage in one direction using your fingertips. Repeat this process every night before going to bed and rinse your face with hot water in the morning before dabbing them dry with a soft towel cloth.
  • Eyebrow Kit: If nothing seems to work to keep your eyebrows straight, you need to find shaping and defining kit. Majority of these kits come with products specially designed to help keep your unruly brows in straightened shape.

Other Important Tips

There are several mistakes that people make when trying to straighten their eyebrows. Luckily, they can be avoided. They include:

  • Sharing Razors: this increases your risk of getting follicle infections and other skin problems.
  • Poor Waxing Methods: Waxing from the comfort of your home can save you some money. However, it can be painful or cause irritation. Look for a professional if you prefer waxing as the best hair removal technique.
  • Using The Wrong Aftershave: don't use aftershave or moisturizer that contains fragrance immediately after shaving. It can trigger irritation, burning sensation or allergic reactions.
  • Tanning Before/After Shaving: skin experts recommend that you should not get exposed to the sun 24 hours before and after waxing. This can make your skin more sensitive and thick, making you end up with a lousy wax.
  • Skipping A Shaving Cream: most people think that using soap or water on your eyebrows won't have any effects on your skin. Failure to use a shaving cream can lead to ingrown hairs or cause irritation and razor burn.


Don't let straightening your eyebrows make you stressed out. You can simply trim them and make them grow in your desired style and shape with the help of cosmetic kits.

If you can't access wax and gels to keep them straight, regular massage with olive oil or coconut oil will do the trick.

In addition, brushing will help you in finding out the right time to trim. Beware that how you groom your eyebrows can significantly impact on your overall outlook. It can either make or break your appearance.

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Melissa Feldman

Melissa Feldman is an independent research writer living in Toronto, Canada. She has professional experience as a researcher, and educa