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The vegan lifestyle has become associated with many benefits, not the least of which is weight control. Plus, the healthy habit may help address concerns around food and climate change. Is it any surprise then that veganism has gained popularity, especially among environmentally conscious younger consumers? Yet it turns out that plant based diet might have another upside: longevity.

How a Plant-Based Lifestyle Helps Lead to a Longer Lifespan
Why Plant Based Diet Is the Best for Good Health?

Eating broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts won’t necessarily open a gateway to the fountain of youth. But recent research from Norway suggests plants may be your link to a longer lifespan. In fact, you could gain an extra decade just by swapping animal-based ingredients for their veggie counterparts.

But what is it exactly that makes a plant-based lifestyle attractive for people set on becoming nonagenarians or centenarians? The following are some of the most significant benefits of including plants on your personal menu:

Top Advantages of Beefing Up Your Personal Menu with Plants

1. Plant-based foods can be nutritionally well-rounded.

A chief concern among people considering veganism is that they might lose out nutritionally. However, plant-based items made by forward-leaning providers can offer exceptional nutritional value. For example, ingredients such as PURIS’ signature pea protein can serve as nutrient-rich foundations for a variety of recipes.

Plant-based growers and manufacturers are eager to improve their extraction methods. The more raw nutrients that can be sourced from plants, the more balanced a plant based lifestyle is for consumers.[1] In turn, this makes vegan and even vegetarian consumers less likely to experience age-related nutritional deficiencies.

2. Plant-based diets have been linked to lower incidents of heart disease.

A study published by the Journal of the American Heart Association indicated that cardiovascular disease goes down when plant-eating goes up.[2] The effect was seen in middle-aged individuals. Those who ate more plants regularly were less likely to be affected by cardiovascular disease. Those who opted for animal products over vegan ones increased their heart disease morbidity rates.

According to Dr. Adelena Izold, Naturopathic Doctor, unlike animal-based proteins, plant-based proteins tend to be lower in saturated fats and cholesterol, making them heart-healthy options that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

What is it about plants that makes them so heart-healthy? A piece from Harvard Medical School indicates that whole, unprocessed fruits, nuts, and vegetables can help bring down blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol.Therefore, adults might be able to avoid heart attacks, which can be a leading cause of early death.

3. A diet heavy in fruits and veggies makes it easier to keep weight off.

As mentioned previously, plant-based diets can be excellent ways to stay lean. A lean weight tends to be associated healthier body Keeping the BMI in normal ranges is important to stave off obesity, which can take years off the end of someone’s life.[3]

Of course, a plant diet has to be good for you to be good for your waistline and BMI. For example, homemade fries baked with olive oil and sea salt are technically vegan. They’re not appropriate for making the basis of your daily menu. The only way to get the weight management advantages of plants is to eat them in their purest forms. Keep unhealthy fats at bay, too, for a maximum positive effect.

4. Plant-based ingredients can help you conserve cash—and ward off financial stress.

It’s no secret that high levels of stress can lead to premature death. What’s a common stressor? Money. This is another opportunity for you to add potential years by opting for a plant-based diet. The reason is simple: Plants are more affordable than you might have assumed.

An article in Better Homes and Gardens conducted a deep dive into the affordability of plants. The authors found that consumers could shave up to 34% off their grocery bills by going green (or whatever hue your plants may be!). That’s a substantial savings, especially during economically uncertain times. Remember that if you have a patch of land or patio, you may be able to grow some of your own food. Though you pay for seeds and soil, you can get tremendous value from a home garden.

5. Plant-based products allow you to feel more comfortable socializing.

Only a few decades ago, it was practically unheard of to be offered a veggie burger or sausage at a picnic. Today, veganism and vegetarian lifestyles are so widespread that no one thinks twice about meat substitutes. Consequently, you may find it much easier to enjoy socialising with friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues.

Does this actually make a difference in how many birthdays you’ll have? It could. Believe it or not, Harvard reporting reveals that feeling part of a tight community can help you live longer. So there’s no need to allow your plant-based lifestyle to get in the way of your social agenda. If you have to bring your preferred plant based diet foods, that’s fine.[4] You may be able to introduce others to the power and deliciousness of veganism. And that means you could have the people you care about most around for much longer!

For far too many people, the “I don’t like vegetables” trope still exists. Even if you’re sure you’re never going to be able to fall head over heels for baked asparagus or roasted squash, give it a try. Your taste buds may have matured more than you thought they would when you were a tot.

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Lorna McCormack

Lorna McCormack's journey to plant-based eating was fueled by her personal health challenges. It kickstarted years of study in plant-ba