Hydration is essential for your survival. The human body is made up of 70 percent, after all. It is important for people to consume enough water every day to keep their blood flowing, their organs working, and their body healthily functioning. When people fail to consume enough water, the results can be severe. Dehydration can lead to organ failure and permanent damage to the body.

How Will Drinking Water Before Meal Makes You Much Fitter?
Drinking Water Before Meal

Besides these obviously important reasons for drinking plenty of water, there are other benefits of staying hydrated. Being well-hydrated, for instance, can help you to shed more pounds and to be fitter. Simply drinking more is just one part of the strategy, however. When you drink water matters too- you should drink water before meals to get optimally fit.

Here's why:

1. Water Raises Energy Levels

Water is so essential to a person's overall health that it affects the body even on a simple cellular level. The individual cells in the body, including the mitochondria (the energy cells), need water to function properly. Without enough water, the body even on the smallest scale does not have as much energy. Running on less than full amounts of energy diminishes the body’s ability to work out efficiently.

So, when a person drinks enough water, they have more energy. The benefit of drinking water before a meal is thus two-fold:

Most people regularly eat three meals a day. Drinking before every meal is a great way to ensure that the body gets water because it is easy to remember.

While eating a meal, the body must digest. This requires energy, which means that it requires water. Plus, digestion kick starts the metabolism, aiding the body in the process of distributing things consumed (including water) the most efficiently.

2. Boosts Metabolism

Drinking water before meals has been demonstrated to effectively boost metabolism, leading to more efficient calorie consumption. The ingestion of water increases the body's thermogenic activity, essentially accelerating the rate at which the body burns energy. Studies suggest that drinking 500 milliliters of water can enhance metabolic rate by approximately 30% within 30-40 minutes, attributing the effect to water-induced thermogenesis.[1]

Furthermore, water's role in physically filling the stomach before food intake can lead to a reduction in overall caloric intake, thereby supporting weight management efforts. Incorporating regular water intake as part of a healthy lifestyle can contribute to boosting metabolism and promoting weight loss. This effect is mainly due to water's ability to increase energy expenditure and support appetite control.[2]

3. Water Primes the Muscles

One aspect of water hydrating and energizing the body is its role of priming the muscles for action. A lack of water in the muscles is directly related to muscles cramping and even having spasms. As a result of muscles not having enough water when exercising, more than cramping and spasms occur- muscles can be injured through strain or tearing.

By drinking water before eating a meal, the body efficiently hydrates the muscles, preparing them for exercise later on. One of the reasons that eating a snack or a meal before working out is a good idea is because it also provides energy. Combining both eating and drinking before exercise gives a double dose of energy for the body as a result, ensuring that the workout is efficient and effective.

4. Water Aids Digestion

Consuming water before a meal plays a crucial role in enhancing the digestive process. The act of drinking water prior to eating serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it moistens the stomach lining, creating an environment conducive to the smoother movement of solid foods through the digestive tract. This moisture aids in the breakdown of food, facilitating efficient nutrient absorption.

Water acts as a natural lubricant during digestion, ensuring the seamless passage of food. This lubrication not only assists in the breakdown of food particles but also promotes optimal enzymatic activity. Adequate hydration supports the enzymatic functions responsible for breaking down nutrients, contributing to the overall efficiency of the digestive process.

Additionally, drinking water before a meal stimulates saliva production. Saliva is vital in the initial stages of digestion, particularly in the breakdown of carbohydrates. Therefore, maintaining proper hydration levels positively impacts the digestive system by optimizing enzyme activity and promoting a favorable environment for nutrient absorption.

Water in the digestive tract also breaks down nutrients like soluble fiber, allowing the body to distribute and put such nutrients to work. Later in the process, water moves waste through the body and is excreted. Drinking before a meal gives the body enough water to complete these vital processes so that, when it comes time to workout- the body is ready.

5. Water Enhances Weight Loss

Water Enhances Weight Loss

Water promotes weight Loss | Source: Shutterstock

Being fit is about more than weight loss but being overweight does inhibit a person from really getting fit. People who are overweight consequently must lose weight to tone and strengthen their muscles and improve their overall fitness levels. Fortunately, drinking water before a meal helps people to lose weight as well.

A study has shown that people who drink a glass of water within a half an hour before they eat a meal lose weight faster than people who don’t. It is believed that the reason drinking water before a meal works for weight loss is that it makes people feel more full. When a person feels full, they eat less, sparing them the extra calories.[3]

6. Water is Good for the Blood Pressure and Heart

Dehydration can lead to thicker blood, making it harder for the heart to pump efficiently. Staying hydrated throughout the day, including before meals, helps maintain proper blood volume and viscosity, potentially aiding in healthy blood pressure levels. Additionally, proper hydration helps the body regulate its salt balance, which can affect blood pressure.[4]

Furthermore, dehydration has been linked to increased levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure and strain on the heart. By staying hydrated, the body is better able to regulate these hormones and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Moreover, chronic dehydration has been linked to the development of hypertension, or high blood pressure. This is because when the body is dehydrated, the blood vessels constrict and increase resistance, making it harder for the heart to pump blood effectively. Over time, this can lead to damage to the arteries and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

7. Increases Satiety and Reduces Hunger

Studies suggest that consuming water before a meal can lead to feeling fuller sooner, potentially leading to reduced calorie intake during the meal. This can be helpful for weight management and maintaining a healthy weight, which is a crucial component of fitness. Dehydration can sometimes be misinterpreted as hunger. Drinking water before a meal can help you distinguish between true hunger and thirst, potentially reducing cravings for unhealthy snacks and aiding in making healthier food choices. This is because our body's thirst mechanism is closely linked to our hunger signals. When we are dehydrated, our body may send signals that are easily confused with hunger, leading us to eat more than we need.[5]

Moreover, staying hydrated throughout the day can also help regulate hormones that control appetite. When we are dehydrated, our body may produce higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger. On the other hand, being adequately hydrated can help suppress the production of ghrelin and increase the levels of leptin, a hormone that signals fullness.


Generally speaking, drinking more water is a healthy choice for most people. Plenty of water is needed to keep the body adequately hydrated in the normal course of the day. While the importance of water for overall health is well-known, understanding the optimal timing for its consumption can enhance specific benefits for the digestive system.

Research suggests that drinking water immediately after waking up, before brushing your teeth, can have several health benefits. This practice, known as Morning Water Therapy, is believed to cleanse the digestive system, boost metabolism, and potentially alleviate various health issues.

In essence, the right timing of water intake aligns with the body's natural processes, optimizing enzymatic functions and supporting a seamless digestive experience. By incorporating this knowledge into our daily routines, we can harness the full potential of water as a vital component in maintaining not only hydration but also digestive well-being.

By drinking before every meal, people ensure that they are hydrated. They make it easy to remember to consume plenty of water. Further, the body can do a better job of distributing and using water to give the body energy and the supplies that it needs to get fit.

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