Do you live a fast-paced lifestyle? Do you want a healthy body and mind? Do your skills in the kitchen leave little to be desired? Then you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to provide you meal ideas that will make cooking easy, quick, stress-free, and, most importantly, healthy. We will cover 5 ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus 5 ideas for snacks.

Do You Want Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet? Get 20 Ideas for Easy Healthy Meals
Healthy Diet Ideas - Shutterstock Image.

A healthy meal plan typically includes a variety of foods from different food groups, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats. It should be balanced in terms of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.

A healthy meal should be low in added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. It's essential to stay within your daily calorie needs and practice portion control to maintain a healthy weight.

We will provide meal ideas that aim for portions of fruits and vegetables daily and choose whole-grain products that are rich in fiber. Include low-fat dairy, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and healthy oils in your diet. Limit processed foods, sugary treats, and excessive alcohol consumption. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Breakfast Ideas

The morning rush to work or school can often lead to breakfast being easily forgotten or substituted for sugary, calorie loaded rubbish. Or, worst of all, a cup of coffee may be deemed a suitable breakfast. A cup of coffee does not have the nutritional requirements to get you acting like a productive and mentally apt individual.

Plus, there is nothing worse than your stomach making noises that could rival a growling dog during an important meeting or during a lecture. So, for a healthy start to the day, breakfast is a must.

Mornings may be hectic, but there are easy, healthy meals that you can make with little fuss and, most importantly, in little time.

Key guidelines for a healthy breakfast:

  • Say Yes to foods that are vitamin- and mineral-rich, such as fresh fruit.
  • Say Yes to foods that will keep you full for longer, such as oats, eggs, and grains.
  • Say Yes to drinks that are rich in calcium or antioxidants, such as green tea, milk, or pomegranate juice.
  • Say No to foods that are high in sugar, such as sugary cereals and pop tarts.
  • Say No to food that is high in salt or fat, such as bacon.
  • Say No to skipping breakfast; even a simple piece of toast is better than nothing at all.

Five Healthy Breakfast Ideas for You to Give a Try This Morning

1. Oatmeal:


oatmeal - Shutterstock Image

Oatmeal is definitely not everybody’s idea of a tasty and appealing breakfast. It is something that your grandma or mother tries to make you eat while frowning in disapproval over your frosted pop tart or chocolate cocoa pops. But oatmeal can be made really tasty while remaining extremely good for you.

If you have a sweet tooth, you can still sweeten up your oatmeal without resorting to sugar. Simply drizzle a couple of teaspoons of honey or low-sugar maple syrup onto your bowl of oatmeal. For a fruity twist, incorporate sliced bananas, chopped dry figs, apricots, or 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries. This will ensure you get a good start to your five-plus-a-day goals.

However, if sweetness is not your thing, then you should try one of these savory alternatives. Sprinkle a tablespoon of crushed walnuts or almonds over your oatmeal for a crunchy and nutty breakfast.

How does oatmeal benefit your body?

If you decide to have oatmeal topped with a selected extra for breakfast, you will be acquiring: fiber, vitamins A, C, and B6, calcimine, iron, magnesium, and protein. Research has shown that oat-based products are good for health and can prevent various diseases. The fiber will ensure that you remain full for longer, which will mean less morning snacking, and the various minerals and vitamins are great for your body, inside and out.[1]

2. Eggs

Eggs are a great breakfast option due to their versatility as well as being high in protein, giving you the energy needed to get through a busy morning.[2]

You could make a simple omelet by mixing eggs and milk together, seasoning them, and pouring them into a hot pan. Sprinkle some healthy toppings over the mix, such as diced red peppers, spring onions, spinach, or diced tomatoes. If you want to be super healthy, you could make an egg white omelet.

This simply means that you only use the egg whites and leave out the yolks and milk. Or go ahead and boil an egg, butter some whole meal toast, and cut them into slices for the classic egg and soldiers assemble. A final suggestion is that you could have a delicate poached egg on a hearty slice of wholemeal bread.

How do eggs benefit your body?

A single egg contains within its delicate shell a great deal of health benefits. They are rich in vitamins A, B5, B12, B2, folate, phosphorus, selenium, and protein. Moreover, if you add vegetables or wholemeal bread with your egg, you will be gaining added minerals, vitamins, and fiber in your diet. Eating two eggs per day for six weeks has been shown to increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels by 10%.[3]

Must Read – Eggs Not Harmful in Type 2 Diabetes

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruit can be a refreshing and nutritious choice for breakfast. There are various ways to enjoy grapefruit in the morning, such as sprinkling it with a little sugar, brûléeing it for a lightly sweetened treat, or adding honey, vanilla, and cardamom for a mouthwatering twist. Additionally, grapefruit is high in vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy breakfast option. It is also a great source of hydration due to its high water content.

How Does Grapefruit Benefit Your Body?
Consumption of grapefruit is found to have higher nutrient intakes and diet quality among adults and more favorable anthropometrics in women. Grapefruits are extremely rich in vitamin C, and Vitamin A and antioxidants, as well as containing traces of vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. Grapefruit also works at curbing hunger pangs and lowering bad cholesterol levels. Grapefruit aids in weight loss as it can work to boost your metabolism. All in all, grapefruit packs quite a health punch.[4]

4. Smoothie


smoothie-meal - Shutterstock Image

Smoothies are an easy, healthy meal to have for breakfast. All it requires from you is to throw in an assortment of ingredients into a blender and whiz it up with a flick of a knob. What you put in your breakfast smoothie depends on your preferences and what is in the fridge or pantry at the time. A general model for a healthy smoothie is shown below.

A healthy and tasty smoothie = fresh fruit [blueberries, apple, raspberries, banana, mango, pineapple, blackberries] + Liquid [low-fat milk, oat milk, soy milk, and fruit juice] + Thickener [yogurt, Greek yogurt] + Sweetener [honey, vanilla essence] + Vegetables [spinach, kale, carrot]

How does a smoothie benefit your body? 
Smoothies, in a general sense, are normally packed with vitamins and minerals from the fruits and vegetables used, as well as being rich in calcium and protein from the liquid and thickener.[5]

5. Whole Grain bread

Rather than reach for the white bread, for your next breakfast, give wholegrain bread a try. However, a single slice of whole grain bread sounds a bit boring and Spartan. So to add a bit of excitement to your breakfast, spread creamy avocado over the surface, or top with sliced tomatoes and season with cracked pepper. This will add both nutrients and taste to your breakfast.[6]

How does whole-grain bread benefit your body?
Whole-grain bread is very high in fiber, which will keep you full for much longer. It is also a source of protein, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Moreover, if you add avocado or tomato, you will boost your diet with a range of vitamins and minerals as well as contribute to your five-a-day goals.

Whole grains are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds. Choosing whole grain breads over refined white breads is an easy way to get more of these nutrients in your diet.” ~ Mayo Clinic

Lunch Ideas

You have reached midday, and it is time for your lunch break. You could opt to cram a muesli bar in your mouth while you remain working or pig out on a greasy pie or a bag of salty chips, but that is being a healthy nelly. Easy doesn’t always equate to rubbish food, something we are trying to prove in this article. Read below for five easy, healthy meal ideas that you should give a try tomorrow at lunch.

First, here are our lunch rules: Follow them closely, and your body will be thankful for it.

  • Say Yes to sitting down for a proper lunch.
  • Say Yes to homemade food.
  • Say Yes to fresh ingredients.
  • Say No to eating at your desk or on the run.
  • Say No to buying greasy, salty, and high-calorie convenience food.
  • Say No to huge portions.
  • Say No to skipping lunch.

6. Salad


Salad - Shutterstock Image

The salad is a starting dish in any healthy meal plan. Moreover, there is a good reason for this accolade: the salad is a versatile, fresh, nutritious, feel-good dish for a midday meal.

A Greek salad is perfect for a sweet summer’s day, with its juicy tomatoes, creamy feta cheese, bitter olives, and refreshing cucumber. Or you may prefer a Caesar salad to chase away your midday hunger pangs. This salad traditionally combines ingredients like crusty bread, rich eggs, crunchy lettuce, sharp parmesan, and tangy lemon juice. This would make a fine lunch to enjoy with a friend or for a delightful family lunch.

How Does a Salad Benefit Your Body?
Salads, traditionally filled with fresh vegetables, are a dish very rich in vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of fiber and protein. As per the research, each serving of salad consumed was associated with a 165% higher likelihood of meeting the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C in women and an 119% greater likelihood in men.[7]

7. Soup

A perfect meal to warm up with on a chilly winter’s day is a hearty, healthy soup. And the great thing about soup is that there are many different types, many of which are very easy to make.

Miso soup is an authentic Japanese dish created from miso seasoning and complimented by a number of other ingredients. A basic miso recipe would normally include tofu, spring onion, miso paste, dried seaweed, and dashi granules. Most of these ingredients can be found at Asian supermarkets or special stores.

Though it may resemble something more fitting for the exorcist due to its neon green hue, the broccoli, spinach, and potato soup is a very healthy, tasty, and easy meal to enjoy on a frosty day.

Soup can also make a great lunch choice on a bright summer’s day, especially with the chilled Spanish soup, Gazpacho. Gazpacho is made from a blend of tomatoes, garlic, onions, and herbs and is served cool.

How Does Soup Benefit Your Body?
Soup, which is often made through the use of fresh vegetables, is packed with vitamins and minerals. Miso soup is very low in calories, having only 84 calories in 1 cup of soup, and is extremely rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The other soups are rich in vitamins A, C, and B6 because their core ingredients are broccoli, tomatoes, and spinach.[8]

Soups are a nutritious, filling way to stay hydrated. They provide an array of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in a low-calorie package that can help promote fullness. ~ Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

8. Wraps

Wraps are a great alternative when you get bored of sandwiches. There is great versatility to this meal, and an added bonus is that it is very easy to make. Simply lay out the wrap, add the ingredients that you have available or that you prefer [salad ingredients, meats, low-fat cheese, relishes], and then roll it up. Presto, lunch is served. Wraps are a great healthy lunch option for the work day, as you can simply make them the night before and store them in an airtight container ready for the next day.

How Does a Wrap Benefit Your Body?
The health benefits of a wrap will vary according to your choice of filling. But if you make sure that you cram it with fresh vegetables, such as lettuce, tomato, red peppers, avocado, or bean sprouts, then they will be a good source of vitamins A, C, and B6. Moreover, by adding lean meat, you will give your diet a good boost of protein, and if you use a wholemeal wrap, you will add fiber to your diet.[9]

9. Sushi


Sushi - Shutterstock Image

Sushi, the traditional Japanese dish, is both extremely tasty and healthy. The seaweed wrap serves as a healthy barrier that encases protein-rich tuna, chicken, or salmon, and fresh vegetables, such as carrots and avocado. You can either purchase sushi from your favorite sushi store or attempt to make it from scratch.

How does sushi benefit your body?
Seaweed is classified as a superfood because it is rich in iodine, which is very important to the thyroid gland, as well as being a source of vitamin C and vitamin A. And that is only the outer layer; inside, sushi is rich in protein and various vitamins, depending on the filling chosen. Lastly, if salmon sushi is chosen, it will serve as a great source of omega-3.

10. Sandwiches

The lunch classic, the sandwich, is easy to make as well as tasty to eat. Try to pick bread that is wholegrain and avoid white bread if you wish to stick to your healthy eating goals. In regards to the filling, the great thing about the sandwich is the many different filling options. Fill it with things that suit your tastes, but try to keep it fresh and healthy. Lettuce, tomato, avocado, cheese, and lean meats are some viable options for a tasty sandwich, which is also very good for you.

How do sandwiches benefit your body?
If you use wholegrain bread, you will be adding a healthy dose of fiber to your diet. Cheese and lean meat will act as sources of protein and calcium, while fresh vegetables will be rich in vitamins and minerals.[10]

Dinner Ideas

It is the end of the day, and you are exhausted. All you want to do is slump in front of the television and binge-watch your favorite program for the rest of the night. But there is one little problem: you are hungry. The takeout menus are looking very inviting, and the kitchen is very uninviting, but you need to end the day on a healthy note, not a greasy, pizza-shaped one. Here, we will present five ideas that will make dinner easy, healthy, and delicious.
First, here are our dinner rules: Follow them closely and your body will be thankful for it.

  • Say Yes to fresh vegetables.
  • Say Yes to grains.
  • Say Yes to lean meat.
  • Say Yes to experimentation.
  • Say No to takeout.
  • Say No to calorie-rich food.
  • Say No to ready-made food, such as packet noodles.

11. Stir-fry


Stir-fry - Shutterstock Image

Crunchy vegetables, aromatic sauces, and lean meats are staples of this Asian dish. A stir fry is a good midweek dish, as very little time and effort needs to go into it. Simply heat up a wok or pan with oil, preferably peanut oil, and stir fry a protein [chicken, pork, or shrimp] alongside vegetables. Mix in a ready-made sauce, and presto, dinner is served.[11]

How Does a Stir Fry Benefit the Body?
A stir-fry is a good source of protein, accounting for the meat component, as well as various vitamins and minerals, depending on the type of vegetable included. For example, broccoli and capsicums are rich in vitamin C and vitamin A.

12. Salad

Salad is not only a great lunch option; it can also make a superb dinner meal. A pasta or rice salad will serve as a great, hearty dish for your evening meal. See lunch salads for the health benefits.

13. Poached or Grilled Chicken

Chicken is a great source of protein. However, its health benefits can sometimes be drowned out by its fat content when deep-fried, battered, crumbed, or slathered in butter. Therefore, the best way to cook chicken is by either poaching or grilling. Serve with crunchy asparagus, a salad, or fresh new potatoes.

How does chicken benefit your body? 
Chicken is a great source of protein, as well as having traces of iron, calcium, and vitamin A. Chicken is a nutrient-rich protein suitable for all ages. As a low-calorie, low-sodium, and low-fat source, it provides quality protein from pregnancy through our later years without excess calories, sodium, or fat.

14. Salmon


Salmon - Shutterstock Image

Grilled salmon is a delicious choice for dinner, with its succulent flesh and crispy skin. Serve with fresh new potatoes, asparagus, or a baked potato for a delicious and easy dinner.

How does salmon benefit your body?
Salmon is a great source of protein, potassium, selenium, vitamin B12, and the fatty acid omega-3.

Snack Ideas: Bonus Tip

You’re hungry, but a look at the time reveals it is only 3 p.m., way too early for dinner. So what is to be done in order to satisfy your hunger? The answer rings loud and clear. SNACK TIME! But we must approach this in a prudent manner. This means forgetting about salty chips, creamy chocolate, sugary sweets, and bubbly fizzy drinks. A healthy snack will benefit you to a greater degree than the aforementioned junk. Here we have listed five ideas for healthy snacks.

First, here are our snack rules when you are hungry: Follow them closely, and your body will be thankful for it.

  • Say No to very salty snacks, such as chips.
  • Say No to very sugary snacks, such as lollipops and biscuits.
  • Say No to excessive snacking.
  • Say Yes to fresh fruits.
  • Say Yes to healthy snacks, such as nuts.

15. Fruit salad

Easy to put together and packed with vitamins and minerals, the fruit salad is a very versatile snack. Simply mix together the fruit that you have available and dig in.

How does fruit salad benefit your body?

This will depend on the type of fruit that you use in your salad. Bananas are rich in potassium, blueberries are antioxidants, and oranges are rich in vitamin C. Regardless, this dish will always be rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals and will place a huge dent in your five-a-day aspirations.

16. Yogurt and fruit

Yogurt and fruit

Yogurt and fruit - Shutterstock Image

Creamy yogurt mixed with fresh fruit makes a filling and healthy afternoon snack. A drizzle of honey over this dish will work as a perfect finishing accompaniment.

How Does This Dish Benefit Your Body?
The fruit component will add vitamins to your diet, and the yogurt is a great source of calcium.

17. Mixed nuts

Keeping a bag of nuts in your desk drawer is a great idea. Whenever you get a little hungry, you can simply eat a handful of mixed nuts. In this mix, include any nuts that you prefer, such as walnuts, almonds, Brazilian nuts, and cashews.

How do nuts benefit your body?
Nuts are a good source of protein as well as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Nuts are also rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids and can lower the risk of certain cancers and diabetes and reduce stress.

19. Smoothie

Whipping up a quick smoothie can be a snack on a hot summer’s afternoon. See smoothies at breakfast for more details.

20. Banana pop

Banana pop

Banana pop - Shutterstock Image

A banana pop is a great alternative to a sugary ice block or ice lolly. To make this healthy snack, push a Popsicle stick into a peeled banana and place it on a tray covered with baking paper. Freeze for 3–4 hours. A traditional banana pop is normally dipped in chocolate and covered in chopped nuts. You can do this if you are having a cheat day, but otherwise, simply eat it plain.

How Does Banana Benefit Your Body?
One serving of bananas contains 1 gram of protein, 30 grams of carbohydrates, and 110 calories. It is naturally free of sodium, fat, and cholesterol.


Eating healthy, balanced meals each day is one of the best things we can do for our overall well-being and longevity. Cooking doesn’t have to be a difficult and dreaded task, and here we tried to show you why and how healthy cooking can be both quick and easy.

When we focus on incorporating more whole foods like fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats into our regular meal patterns, we set ourselves up for optimal health and disease prevention. Making half our plate fruits and veggies at lunch and dinner is a simple goal that pays big rewards.

Choosing minimally processed, unrefined options over fast or junk foods gives our bodies the nutrients they need to function at their best. While it may take some planning and preparation, taking the time to fuel our bodies with real, nutritious meals will serve us well not just today but for many years into the future. Overall diet quality is key to long-term health, so aim to “eat the rainbow” each day for a long, vibrant life.

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11 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] A Review of Health-Beneficial Properties of Oats:
[2] Everything you need to know about eggs:
[3] 9 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs for Breakfast:
[4] Consumption of grapefruit:
[5] The Right Combo: Getting the Most Health Benefits from Fruit Smoothies:
[6] Whole Grain bread:
[7] Salad and raw vegetable consumption and nutritional status in the adult US population::
[8] The health benefits of broccoli:
[9] Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Benefits and Progress of Nutrition Education Interventions- Narrative Review Article:
[10] Cheese:
[11] Lean meat and heart health:


Sam Kramer is a Registered Dietitian, Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, Six Sigma Green Belt Certified, and Certified Sports Nutritionis