As winter envelops us in its icy embrace, many of us face the annual struggle to maintain our well-being amidst the chill and gloom. It's a season that tests our resilience, both physically and mentally, leading us into a cycle of fatigue and vulnerability to illness. However, it's crucial to recognize that this period of hibernation also presents an opportunity to fortify our health and emerge stronger.

7 Surprising & Easy Ways To Healthily Boost Your Body This Winter
Winter Wellness Tips - Shutterstock Images

With “7 Surprising & Easy Ways To Healthily Boost Your Body This Winter,” we unlock a treasure trove of practical and enjoyable strategies designed to invigorate your body, elevate your energy levels, and shield you against the cold season's harshness.

These insights, rooted in both modern research and ancient wisdom, are your allies in transforming winter from a time of survival to a season of rejuvenation. Embrace this transformative journey and discover how to thrive during the winter months while nurturing your well-being for a brighter, healthier future ahead.

1. Sunshine for Vitamin D:

Winter may often be associated with cozy indoor moments, but venturing outdoors to bask in the sunlight can significantly impact your well-being. Vitamin D, commonly known as the ‘sunshine vitamin,' plays a crucial role in bolstering your immune system and elevating your mood, especially throughout the colder seasons.

Interestingly, you don't have to spend prolonged periods under the sun to enjoy its benefits. Just a brief 15-20 minute exposure to midday sunlight can notably enhance your Vitamin D levels, priming you for a healthier winter ahead. For an extra dose of Vitamin D, consider incorporating fatty fish and mushrooms into your diet. These nutrient-rich foods serve as excellent sources to fortify your body against the challenges that winter brings.

Absorbing enough vitamin D, particularly during colder months, can be challenging. An expert from Baylor College of Medicine offers tips on maintaining vitamin D intake in fall and winter. [1]

2. Spice Up Your Meals:

Adding a little extra warmth to your meals during the chilly winter months is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a smart move for your overall well-being. By incorporating a variety of spices [2] such as ginger, turmeric [3], cinnamon, and cloves into your culinary creations [4], you're not just enhancing the flavors but also unlocking a treasure trove of health benefits. These spices are renowned for their potent anti-inflammatory properties, which play a crucial role in fortifying your immune system when temperatures drop.

The beauty of these spices lies in their versatility; whether you're sprinkling them into savory stews, hearty soups, or even sweet treats, they effortlessly transform your dishes into delicious and nourishing offerings that can help you thrive during the winter season. With their remarkable ability to combat inflammation and bolster your body's defenses, these spices are indeed essential additions to your kitchen arsenal, particularly when the weather outside is less than inviting.

3. Sleep Like a Bear:

In the heart of winter, emulating the hibernation habits of bears can be the key to maintaining optimal health and well-being. The chilly season and its shorter days naturally prompt us to seek more rest, aligning with our bodies' increased demand for energy to stay warm. Adopting a consistent sleep schedule, even during weekends, is crucial for optimizing your body's internal clock and enhancing sleep quality. Creating a calming pre-sleep routine, such as indulging in a warm bath or engaging in some light reading, transforms your bedroom into a haven of tranquility, conducive to deep, restorative sleep.

Prioritizing sleep might seem at odds with the desire to remain active and alert throughout the colder months, but adequate rest is foundational to sustaining energy levels, productivity, and mood. Ignoring your body's need for sleep not only drains your vitality but also impacts mental sharpness and emotional balance. [5]

Recognizing the importance of rest, experts typically advise around seven hours of quality sleep nightly, tailoring your sleep environment to maintain a comfortable temperature that neither disrupts your slumber with excessive warmth nor chill.

With winter's reduced daylight hours, it's natural to feel the pull towards extended periods of sleep, allowing our bodies the necessary time to repair and rejuvenate from the day's exertions. Ensuring a sufficient duration of restful sleep during winter can dramatically affect your overall health, from bolstering your immune system to maintaining peak mental and physical performance.

4. Hydration Hero:

During the colder months, it's easy to overlook the importance of staying hydrated. Research indicates that cold temperatures can reduce thirst by as much as 40 percent. [6] Yet, hydration takes center stage as a simple but effective defense against the common winter ailments. Dehydration can subtly compromise your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to the seasonal colds and flu. To combat this, make a conscious effort to increase your water intake.

An effective strategy is to set daily water intake goals and use your phone to set reminders, ensuring you’re consistently sipping throughout the day. Enhance your water with slices of fruits or herbs not only for an extra burst of flavor but also to encourage more frequent consumption.

Don't forget, consuming hydrating foods like fresh fruits and vegetables can also contribute significantly to your daily water intake. Remember, water is a powerful ally; its role in maintaining energy and optimal physical performance during winter cannot be overstated. Prioritize hydration to keep your body's defenses strong and your energy levels steady.

5. Laughter is the Best Medicine:

laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the Best Medicine. Shutterstock Image

In the throes of winter, when the days grow short and the nights long, finding moments of joy through laughter can be a surprisingly effective remedy for the seasonal doldrums. It's more than just an old saying; laughter acts as a potent stress-buster, capable of lowering stress hormones, enhancing immune function, and injecting a much-needed burst of energy into our lives.

There's no need for elaborate setups or comedic genius to reap the benefits—watching a favorite comedy, sharing laughs with loved ones, or even enjoying a light-hearted book can spark significant improvements in well-being. Laughter is a readily accessible, natural form of medicine, offering a bright spot in the midst of winter's chill and a valuable tool in maintaining holistic health during these colder months. [7]

6. Move Your Body (Even Indoors):

During winter, working out outdoors may seem tough, but staying active is vital for your well-being in colder months. No need for fancy gear or gym memberships—your home can be your gym. Try simple bodyweight exercises for an energy boost. Access free online workouts for all levels. Put on music and dance in your living room for a fun calorie-burning session.

Exercise isn't just good for your body, it's a win for your sleep too. Moving regularly helps you get a better, more restful sleep by using up energy during the day. It boosts oxygen flow and raises dopamine levels, naturally lifting your spirits. Adding some speedy intervals to your walks can really amp up these benefits, making your routine more exciting.

Skipping exercise, especially in winter, can lower your mood and drain your energy. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly, including resistance training. This boosts energy, improves blood flow and metabolism, and releases endorphins, your body's natural mood enhancers. Regular exercise, like running or a fitness plan, amps up energy, improves sleep, and sharpens focus. Staying active indoors in winter is vital for health and happiness.

7. Power Up with Probiotics:

Incorporating probiotics into your daily routine is a straightforward yet potent step toward elevating your winter wellness. These beneficial bacteria, found in fermented delights like yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, play a critical role in maintaining a robust gut microbiome.

This, in turn, can significantly enhance your immune system, acting as a shield against winter's common ailments. Before you consider adding supplements to your regimen, having a chat with your healthcare provider is a wise move. Making probiotics a staple in your winter diet is not just a health booster; it's a tasty adventure that supports your body's needs during the colder months. [8]

Why Does Your Energy Dip in the Winter?

During winter, many experience lower energy levels due to factors like circadian rhythm changes from shorter days and colder temperatures. This disruption can lead to increased sleepiness and reduced motivation for exercise, affecting overall energy and mood. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism revealed that exercising in colder temperatures may result in increased calorie expenditure in contrast to workouts conducted in warmer conditions. [9]

Furthermore, the winter season is closely associated with the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mood disorder that results in feelings of depression during specific times of the year, primarily winter. [10]

This can significantly impact one's energy levels and interest in daily activities. Another key factor contributing to winter tiredness is a deficiency in Vitamin D, a common issue during colder months when sunlight exposure is minimal. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal serotonin levels, and a deficiency can lead to increased feelings of fatigue.
Understanding these factors is essential in addressing the winter energy dip:

  • Circadian Rhythm Changes: The lack of sunlight affects our biological clock, leading to altered sleep patterns and increased fatigue.
  • Reduced Exercise: Colder weather and shorter days can lead to decreased physical activity, contributing to lower energy levels.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): This mood disorder, prevalent in winter, causes significant drops in energy and motivation.
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: Limited sunlight exposure reduces Vitamin D levels, affecting mood and energy.

Recognizing these factors provides the first step towards mitigating their effects and boosting your energy levels during the winter months.


Winter doesn't have to be a season of sluggishness and sickness. These 7 surprising and easy tips can help you keep your body healthy and your spirits high throughout the colder months. Remember, taking proactive steps towards your health is key. So embrace the cozy winter vibes, fuel your body with goodness, and enjoy a healthy and happy winter season!

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10 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] "Getting adequate vitamin D in the fall and winter." Baylor College of Medicine, 15 Mar. 2024,
[2] "Spice up your holidays with brain-healthy seasonings - Harvard Health." Harvard Health, 7 Dec. 2016,
[3] "Turmeric | Traditional Medicinals." 15 Mar. 2024,
[4] Mackonochie M, Rodriguez-Mateos A, Mills S, Rolfe V. A Scoping Review of the Clinical Evidence for the Health Benefits of Culinary Doses of Herbs and Spices for the Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2023 Nov 22;15(23):4867. doi: 10.3390/nu15234867. PMID: 38068725; PMCID: PMC10708057.
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[6] "Thirst Sensations and AVP Responses at Rest and during Exercise-Cold Exposure." 15 Mar. 2024,
[7] Kramer CK, Leitao CB. Laughter as medicine: A systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies evaluating the impact of spontaneous laughter on cortisol levels. PLoS One. 2023 May 23;18(5):e0286260. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286260. PMID: 37220157; PMCID: PMC10204943.
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[9] Kern, Philip A., et al. "The Effects of Temperature and Seasons on Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue in Humans: Evidence for Thermogenic Gene Induction." J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., vol. 99, no. 12, 1 Dec. 2014, pp. E2772-E2779, doi:10.1210/jc.2014-2440.
[10] "SAD science: Why winter brings us down, but won't for long." CBC, 5 Mar. 2015,
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Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS

Jayson Hunter is a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS) for the past 19 years specializ