Olivia DiPio, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian

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LocationCleveland, Ohio, United States
SchoolOhio University


  • Priority Nutrition Care Distance Dietetic Internship
  • Bachelor of Science-BS,Food and Nutrition Sciences:Applied Nutrition from Ohio University is 2018


  • Health Educator Senior at Anthem
  • Clinical Dietitian at Saber Healthcare Group
  • Wellness Dietitian at Eurest USA

Professional Accomplishments

  • Olivia has been an expert opinion is several online articles
  • Olivia develops wellness courses to teach people how to cook healthy while enjoying the best things life has to offer


Olivia DiPio RDN, LD is a wellness dietitian in Ohio. She designs nutritional programming to encourage a balanced lifestyle. Olivia loves developing nutrition education pieces that everyone will be excited to try. You may have seen her quoted in Consumer Digest and EMediHealth.

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