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A new research Study has suggested that men prefer sex in the winter months. The study was conducted by a sex toy and adult product company called Lovehoney. 114 men participated, each was asked to rate exactly how attractive women were in two different sets of photographs.

Why Most of the Men Prefer Winter Over Summer Sex?
Do Men Really Want More Sex in the Winter?

These same photo sets were rated every 3 months for an entire year, and then all the results were compiled and compared. The findings are causing some controversy, so they are currently being questioned by many scientists and skeptics.

Despite the debate that has ensued, the findings were relevant enough to be published by the Psychology of Human Sexuality blog.

In fact, the research data shows men are more sexually attracted to women and want to engage in sexual activities with greater frequency in the winter months as opposed to the summer season.[1]

Here are some of the questions that have been raised about the study findings, along with what the data suggests are the answers.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Why Do Men Prefer Winter For Sex Versus Summer?

Whatever the reason, men have a greater desire for sex in the winter but are also aroused by women in very different ways than in the summertime.

When the two sets of photographs were viewed by men in the winter, it was discovered that while men were attracted to women's faces all year, most males were more attracted to women's bodies during the winter months.

The first set of cards has a facial headshot of women only. The second set had full-body pictures, but women were clothed in bathing suits and bust line close-ups with fully covered bosoms. In essence, men desired women for their bodies more in the winter, and having sex with women provided them with greater physical benefits.

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Happy Couple

Do Men Find Women's Bodies Hotter in the Winter or in the Summer?

The same research indicates that men get horny during the winter, but also purchase more sensual aids, adult products, and sex toys in the colder months.

Men find women’s bodies sexier in winter when less flesh is showing openly, or at least that is the current hypothesis. Another possibility is that hormonal levels in males fluctuate seasonally, so this makes men hornier during the colder months.

The co-founder of Lovehoney, Neal Slateford said this about their findings,” The men surveyed thought there were lovers were hotter in the winter than the summer.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

The same research shows that men, in particular, are hornier than ever. Couples clearly want to stay in and spice up their fun with some sex toys.” From the Lovehoney company's viewpoint, these findings make sense given their sales of sex toys and adult products each year. “December is always our busiest month.”

“We all know the weather is going to be miserable for the next three months.”

Slateford also proclaims happily, “At least we have found a reason to love the winter—it’s great for our sexual lives.”

Also, the study suggests that the conception of babies happens in conjunction with the starting of winter and the cold air improving the sperm quality for men, all throughout the winter season.[2]

Who Really Benefits from these Research Studies?

Women and men can both learn something from this new research, but each might see its relevance in different ways.

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Health Benefits Of Sex

Most men will be able to understand themselves better physically and psychologically, but their sexual desires should be easier to anticipate.

Males can utilize this understanding to relate better to their female partners so that their changing sexual interests throughout the year can be beneficial. Women can benefit greatly from this research, once they understand that their male partners have needs that change with the seasons.

Females should try to relate to this and be willing to interact with men as both their winter and summer selves. Women might think of it as being in style sexually and in tune with the desires natural to men during that season.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.


Nothing is written in stone, but this new research may be groundbreaking in a certain respect. because it shows that men are not driven only by their lustful erections, but they legitimately are influenced by the seasonal cycles.

This lends more creditability to how testosterone, the male libido, and the seasons may be interacting, many like women and their bodies do with the lunar cycles.

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2 Sources

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Lauren Dummit, LMFT

Lauren Dummit is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, and the Clinical Director of Triune The