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Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil

Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil is a scientifically tested and proven medical application is useful in overcoming certain medical conditions without any narcotic effect. This strain contains 1% and is effective in treating conditions such as epileptic seizures and PTSD, which explains why it has so far taken the world by storm.

Key Benefits Of Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil In Medical Treatment
Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil

Charlotte’s Web is a non-profit foundation named after Charlotte Figi, who is a girl born in October 2006. The girl had suffered about 300 seizures in a week, which ultimately led to her being diagnosed with a health condition known as Dravet Syndrome.

Fortunately, Charlotte has a twin who did not show any signs of having this rare condition.

The girl’s parents had tried every available medical treatment to help in overcoming the seizures but finally settled on a ketogenic diet. The problem halted for two years, but the girl experienced some side effects such as loss of bone mass.

However, the seizures suddenly returned and this time as bad as before. Charlotte suffered dozens of seizures every day that unfortunately lasted for as long as half a minute time. Charlotte’s family had little hope left until Matt, Charlotte’s father saw a video about a young boy from California who had Dravet Syndrome successfully treated.

This was after the boy was given a cannabis stain, which was high in CBD and low in THC. The girl was able to get the treatment with the help of two doctors, Alan Shackelford and Margaret Gedde. The results surprised everyone, despite the fact that the girl had only taken a small dose of the CBD-rich medicine.

After a short period of using this drug, Charlotte was almost free of the condition as she now experienced 2-3 seizures in a month only in her sleep. This was able to give Charlotte great hope for a normal life and forget about her struggles that started when she was barely 3 months of age.

The story went viral on the internet not too long ago, when the girl was approximately 6 years old. This is because this particular cannabis strain was able to help Charlotte overcome these harsh epileptic seizures, which almost every other known medication were unable to treat.

Charlotte’s Years of Struggle with Dravet Syndrome

Charlotte’s Years Of Struggle With Dravet Syndrome

Charlotte’s Years of Struggle with Dravet Syndrome

Charlotte experienced the first seizure when she was about three months and this time her parents rushed her to hospital. In this case, the doctors examined her and carried out several results, but were unable to find anything wrong with her.

After that, they went home where everything seemed to be back as usual for a week before the second seizure occurred that lasted longer than the first one.

The situation worsened from then, and Charlotte life now became a frightening experience. Her life was now characterized by uncontrollable seizures that were occurring more often and increasing in both length and severity before they started happening on a daily basis. With the girl experiencing several seizures per day, several tests were continually done, but they did not bear any fruits.

Fortunately, one of the doctors suggested that she be tested for a rare form of epilepsy that is known as Dravet Syndrome or myoklonische Epilepsie. The condition is hard to heal, which means that it can only be controlled through medications.

Dravet Syndrome develops in the first year of the child’s life while the severity of the condition increases in the second year. The condition is characterized by seizures and muscles cramps that last up to half a minute.

Finally, Charlotte was diagnosed with the condition though at that time she was seemingly healthy as she underwent the same physical and cognitive development as her twin.

However, the condition worsened later, the seizures became more frequent, and the prescribed medications turned ineffective. After that, the cognitive functions deteriorated significantly to the lowest level imaginable.

Her parents took her to the Children’s Hospital in Colorado at the age of two and a half, where she was tested positive for SCN1A. This refers to a genetic mutation that is common in about 80 percent of the cases of Dravet Syndrome.

The result of the test was received with mixed reactions as it was devastating and still a relief as they now understood the underlying cause of their struggles.

Charlotte’s Family Search for Treatment

Charlotte’s Family Search For Treatment

Charlotte’s Family Search for Treatment

Matt, Charlotte’s father, decided to give up his position in the US military to stay at home and take care of his daughter. Matt and his partner Paige embarked on looking other treatment options though there were only a few left. The two went to the extent of even considering trying an experimental drug designed to treat seizures in dogs from France.

Fortunately, a renowned specialist in Dravet Syndrome suggested a ketogenic diet that appeared to deliver the desired results at first but had some undesirable side effects. Some of the side effects were that Charlotte started to lose bone mass, having degraded immune system and developed behavioral problems. Unfortunately, the seizures relapsed after two years of the diet. [1]

This almost dashed all the hope left with the family, but likely Matt came across a video of a California boy that was successfully treated for the same condition. The medicine used was a strain of Cannabis that was rich in CBD but contained low THC, which later came to be known as Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil.

What are the Medical Research Results for CBD?

According to research, most children with Dravet Syndrome in the United States have started considering CBD as an alternative treatment. This has been greatly facilitated by the generous move by the Stanley brothers to have a non-profitable foundation that helps families with children with this rare condition get medicine at affordable prices.

However, contrary to what most people thought, the effectiveness of CBD in treating Charlotte’s condition is not just a miracle but has to with science.

This is explained by the results printed in the New England Journal of Medicine on a large-scale randomized trial on CBD that was later published by CNN in May 2017. The study featured 120 participants with Dravet Syndrome between the ages of 2.5 to 18 years, where 61 of the people received CBD while 59 other got a placebo.

According to the outcome, those who received the CBD had the number seizures experienced drop by 12.4 percent per month to about 5.9. On the other hand, those who received the placebo also fell from 14.9 to 14.1, but came with side effects and the most adverse one was drowsiness.

What are the Benefits of Charlotte’s Web Oil?

Benefits of Charlotte’s Web Oil

Benefits of Charlotte’s Web Oil

Several studies have shown that Cannabis has many health benefits. Besides, the government has also approved CBD Oil as treatment and cure option for several diseases. CBD is also effective in relieving chronic pain and even overcoming some symptoms of cancer. Like mentioned above, CBD Oil is highly effective in preventing seizures.

However, it is essential to understand that the particular cannabis strain used for Charlotte is not similar to the one used for smoking purposes. The strain used for Charlotte has low quantities of THC and is the one used in creating tinctures. Some of the benefits of Charlotte’s Web strain of cannabis include:

Contains less THC

Charlotte’s Web is ideal for treatment of seizures as it contains ultra-low quantities of THC or none at all. It is rich in CBD that has been proven to offer many health benefits as compared to THC, which can potentially lead to side effects.

Rich in powerful CBD

Charlotte’s Web is rich in powerful CBD, which explains why during Charlotte’s case the drug delivered amazing results even after using just a small dose of medicine. As mentioned early, Matt decided to offer a small dose after the video review since he did not know what could be the outcome, but still the results surpassed their expectations.

Works without other supplements

Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil has been proven highly effective and therefore can work without any need for additional supplements. Charlotte had badly degenerated, and her body was no longer able to function as she could not eat, speak and walk before she was given the small dose of the medicine.

Moreover, she had experienced 300 devastating seizures per week that affected her brain leading to muscle cramps and unconsciousness. However, the drug delivered the desired results alone without the need for prescribing other medications. [2]

Affordable price

Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil offers one of the most affordable and effective options for treatment of several conditions. This is because the Stanley brothers decided to make the company a non-profit foundation that relies on donations to help people with children suffering from Dravet Syndrome.

Cures Multiple Diseases

Studies have shown that Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil can treat a multitude of life-threatening diseases. These diseases include cancer, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. This is a huge relief to patients with these disorders as the medicine is relatively affordable and highly efficient. [3]

How the Stanley Brothers Manages to Run the Non-Profit Foundation?

Running such a non-profit foundation that benefits many people is not easy. However, the Stanley brothers require the patients to make a donation that they can afford, which is directed to running the operations of the foundation.

The foundation also receives large donations from large sponsors that believe in need of maintaining the supply of CBD Oil.

The Non-Profit Foundation

The Non-Profit Foundation

How CBD Transformed Figi’s Life Permanently?

Currently, several studies have revealed that CBD can greatly manage epileptic seizures without causing any side effects. This was demonstrated by the primary study case featuring Charlotte. The girl was given a prescription for a dose of the CBD rich oil per day that should be taken with her food.

According to Dr. Gedde, the girl requires taking three to four milligrams of the medicine per pound of her weight of the body to help in overcoming seizures. With this description, Charlotte is now able to lead a normal life, and she has so far forgotten about her struggles with the condition.

Charlotte can now live a largely healthy life that is free excessive contamination as compared to the days that she was forced to take different medications to overcome the condition. Consequently, she is now sleeping better, feeds properly, talks and she can now engage in physical activities like riding a bicycle.

The success story of CBD oil on Charlotte greatly changed the perception of most people.

Many people were skeptical of the medicine as they associated the drug with the effects of smoking Cannabis. However, the story of Charlotte’s recovery attracted the attention of the media, which made the story spread quickly to be a national thing.

The story gives hope to other people suffering from Dravet Syndrome and other life-threatening conditions. Most importantly, the story dispelled the claims that the drug brings feeling similar to smoking Cannabis.

Charlotte’s success story further encouraged other great physician and other medical experts to research the benefits of the Cannabis strain and the benefits that the girl got.

One of the doctors that have been encouraged to do further research on CBD is Dr. Gupta who went to on to produce a documentary that has made millions of people aware of the benefits of Marijuana and dispelled some of the myths.

What are Charlotte’s Web Oil Legalities?

Charlotte’s Web Oil Legalities

Charlotte’s Web Oil Legalities

Charlotte Web Oil is increasingly becoming popular, as it has proven to have the ability to deliver multiple health benefits. This has been confirmed by a test done using Epidiolex, which is a CBD extract designed by GW Pharmaceuticals.

Consequently, Charlotte’s Web is currently available in about 50 states in the U.S, as the product has received FDA approval to be used in testing.

However, another CBD is illegal to ship in most of the states in the United States, but Charlotte’s Web contains 0.3% THC, which is within the limit accepted by the federal for derived food products.

Charlotte’s Web’s publicity has contributed to establishment of many legislative bills as some are in the process of being passed, others already passed or proposed and others in planning stages.

This has led to some of the powerful movements that want legislation to have Marijuana oil legalized to help in treating children with epilepsy, which includes prominent lawmakers.

Consequently, Colorado now allows the use of medical strain Cannabis in overcoming some severe conditions. These conditions include seizures, cancer,HIV/AIDS, severe nausea, muscle spasms, severe pain, glaucoma and muscle atrophy and unexplainable weight loss.

In 2013, the New Jersey governor Chris Christie was confronted by the parents of a two-year-old with Dravet Syndrome to sign a bill that allowed children to access medical marijuana. The then controversial bill was termed the “pot for tots.”

This was followed by other legislative proposals in Arizona, Washington state, Florida, Minnesota, and Utah in 2014. Surprisingly, the new wave saw even some of the serious opponents of CBD Oil support the move to make the extract legal for medical condition treatment.

On March 21, 2014, the governor of Utah signed a bill that granted families the access to medical marijuana extract to be used in treating epilepsy. The bill allows the import of Charlotte’s Web extract from Colorado to Utah, but only covers the use of the substance for intractable epilepsy with neurologist’s consent.

On the same day, a court in Arizona found that the use of marijuana extract was allowed by the Arizona medical laws on marijuana.

Moreover, the Budget Committee of the Florida House of Representatives Budget passed into law a bill “Charlotte’s Web bill (CS/HB 843)”, which limited the ability of the prosecutor to prosecute people found with marijuana with low THC. The new law

The ploy to have such a formulation is a deliberate move by the Stanley brothers to ensure that they have come up with an effective product that can help many people as possible. Initially, the CBD/THC ratio of the Charlotte Web was 30:1, but the new version comes with increased effectiveness of helping children with epilepsy as its CBD/THC ratio is now 48:1.

What was the Reaction to CBD-Only Laws?

Reaction To CBD-Only Laws

Reaction To CBD-Only Laws

In the past, the federal laws on drug classification discouraged further scientific research on Cannabis. Nevertheless, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) relaxed some of the regulatory requirements put in place by the Controlled Substance Act (CSA), which were against those performing FDA-approved trials on CBD in late 2015 in the US.

These considerations are a breakthrough that will facilitate a better research process on the potential medical value of the CBD and promote further scientific studies.

However, the Marijuana Policy Project has faulted the legislative efforts by Charlotte that are inspired by Charlotte’s Web that are after pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana products with low THC and high CBD.

This is because they feel that the legislation are too restrictive and do not consider THC benefits, which can make about 98 percent of the total users using marijuana products.

What Conditions does Charlotte’s Web Oil Cure?

The oil is currently one of the best products as it offers great anti-epileptic properties thanks to its amazing effectiveness in overcoming Dravet Syndrome. The patients are required to consume approximately 3-4 milligrams per every pound of their body weight per day to enjoy the best results from using Charlotte, as it was determined by doctor Gedde.

Therefore, a child with 100 pounds body weight will be required to take between 300-400 milligrams of the medicine a day.

However, it is important to understand that Charlotte Web Cannabis strain is proven effective in managing a multitude of other diseases. This might be hard for some to know due to the much attention paid to Charlotte’s recovery from Dravet Syndrome story.

Charlotte’s Web s highly effective in managing general aches and pains as it offers a relaxing sensation to the users.

Besides, the medicine contains low content of THC, which means that the users are free from undesirable effects. The medicine is also increasingly becoming popular in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. [4]

Where do I GET Charlotte’s Web Oil?

The Stanley brothers provide Charlotte’s Web at a giveaway price for people with that need assistance in Colorado. Otherwise, the medicine is available in the form of hemp oil, where a 30ml bottle costs about $39.99 while a 100ml bottle goes for about $99.99.

Usually, an adult is required to take 1ml of the solution two times a day.
However, Charlotte’s Web is also available in the form of capsules where 30 capsules costs about $34.99 while 60 capsules costs approximately $59.99 as well as Charlotte’s Web coffee comes in a pack, which features 500mg of extract that sells at $49.99.

GET Charlotte’s Web Oil

GET Charlotte’s Web Oil

However, it is good to understand that the hemp oil available in the market is different from the medication that used for the treatment of Charlotte Figi. This is because hemp oil products are marketed as dietary supplements, which means that you can take alone, add to your drink or have it your food.

Besides, most Charlotte’s Web oils available in the market contain certain olive oil amounts and sometimes appear a bit dark, as the oil might not be well filtered to get rid of all the particles that come from the plant ingredients.

Consequently, Charlotte’s Web oil comes with the smell, taste of olive oil, and therefore does not feature a strong cannabis smell as other oils that contain marijuana as an active ingredient.

This makes it appealing to most people who like olive oil. Moreover, it is easily digestible and does have an unpleasant aftertaste.

What are the Final Thoughts on Charlotte’s Web Oil?

Overall, Charlotte’s Web has been proven highly effective in managing epilepsy symptoms in children. The cannabis strain contains ultra-low HTC content, which means that the users can enjoy its medical benefits without worrying about the undesirable effects. Charlotte’s Web hemp oil adults in reducing stress by providing a relaxing sensation to them.

However, it is good to understand that research about the health benefits and effects of Charlotte’s Web oil is still ongoing. This has been facilitated by the relaxation of laws that regulate the use of medical marijuana and broad research on the same in most of the states in the United States and the commitment of the Stanley brothers to further studies.

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4 Sources

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

[1] Charlotte’s Web CBD Review: Analyzing This Legendary Brand:
[2] Drugs that May Interact with CBD Oil:
[3] Kolikonda MK, Srinivasan K, Enja M, Sagi V, Lippmann S. Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy?. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2016;13(3-4):23-26. Published 2016 Apr 1.
[4] Shannon S, Opila-Lehman J. Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Oil for Pediatric Anxiety and Insomnia as Part of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report. Perm J. 2016;20(4):16-005. doi:10.7812/TPP/16-005


Sam Kramer is a Registered Dietitian, Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, Six Sigma Green Belt Certified, and Certified Sports Nutritionis