Julie E, MPH, RD

holistic health expert, registered dietitian and functional medicine practitioner.

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  • University at Albany, SUNY: BA, Communications, Business
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: MPH RD, Nutrition, Exercise Physiology
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Master of Public Health - MPH, Nutrition & Exercise Physiology


  • Home Training Solutions, INC: CEO
  • Julie E Health: Creator of StretchBall
  • Julie E Health and Wellness: Holistic Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner
  • Julie E Health and Wellness: Vitamin Expert, Holistic Nutritionist, Speaker, Educator, Author
  • Creative Nutrition & Wellness: Multidisciplinary Nutritionist
  • Chelsea Piers: Nutritionist & Personal Trainer
  • Chelsea Piers: Registered Dietitian


  • Live Well Kids: Nutrition Educator
  • AYSO: Soccer Coach


Julie E is a holistic nutritionist, vitamin expert, author of the NO DIET Diet, and the creator of the StretchBall. In her functional medicine health practice, Julie works with individuals of all ages to help find the root of their health ailments.

She uses non-invasive testing that instantly points out the weaknesses in organs, glands, and body systems. Julie uses lasers, energy modalities, nutrients, mud therapy, grounding techniques, and oils to remove the blockages and problems in the body and to help people truly feel better in a very short time. Most of Julie’s clients refer to her as their primary care practitioner for their families.

Julie has been working in nutrition for 30 years, and with that much experience, she has truly mastered the Simplest Solutions for finding and maintaining a healthy life. Visit her online at www.julieehealth.com

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