Dr. Adonis Maiquez, MD, ABAARM

Functional Medicine Doctor, Author, and Speaker

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  • University of South Florida: Resident, Postgraduate/Residency
  • University of South Florida: Postgraduate, Surgery and Neurosurgery


  • Author
  • Public Speaker

Professional Accomplishments


Dr. Adonis Maiquez is Miami’s leading expert on Healthy Aging and has helped hundreds of patients to feel their best as they age. Using functional medicine, Dr. Adonis identifies the root cause of illnesses instead of simply treating the symptoms. He believes that physical, mental, and spiritual wellness is the secret to Healthy Aging and it is his life’s mission is to help people everywhere achieve Healthy Aging.

Dr. Adonis is a board-certified functional medicine doctor and is the Director of Wellness at the prestigious NuLife Institute. He began his career as a Neurosurgeon specializing in the pituitary gland which controls hormone production and uses his knowledge in the application of hormone therapy for Healthy Aging. He is a member of the International Hormone Society skilled at using bio-identical hormones to restore body chemistry affected by menopause and andropause. He is also an active member of the Institute for Functional Medicine. To learn more visit Dr Adonis.

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