Know The Facts About Heart Attacks And Strokes In The Early Mornings

Explore why heart attacks and strokes are more common in the early morning. Learn the signs, risks, and preventive measures to safeguard your health..

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The Ebola Viral Epidemic: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

A holistic strategy is needed to defeat Ebola, including understanding its causes and symptoms, advancing preventative measures, and defining our civilization's resilient future..

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Brain Virus Chlorovirus ATCV-1 Makes People Stupid Discovered

Learn about Chlorovirus ATCV-1, a surprising brain virus affecting cognition. Uncover its impact on intelligence and the latest research findings..

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Depression and Social Media Usage: What Studies Say

Excessive social media usage among young people heightens anxiety, depression, & FOMO, highlighting significant concerns regarding its impact on mental well-being..

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Women Beware: Milk May Increase Cancer and Death Risk

The consumption of milk increases cancer risks, especially for women. Healthier alternatives like almond, soy, and oat milk, supported by evidence, offer better choices..

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The Dark Side of Social: How Facebook's Negative Encounters Lead to Depression

Explore how bad experiences on Facebook are tied to depression and impact mental health. Learn about revealing hidden dangers of the digital facade..

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8 Surprising Tricks for Healthy Eating

Explore 8 surprising tricks that make healthy eating a breeze. From portion control to flavor hacks, redefine your relationship with food..

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Compounding Pharmacies Like AIS Healthcare Are Providing Patients With Relief During Ongoing Drug Shortages

Learn about the ongoing drug shortages, their impact on patients, and how compounding pharmacies like AIS Healthcare are playing a crucial role..

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What Diabetic Services Does Medicare Cover?

Medicare covers various diabetes medications, supplies and services to help treat diabetes and keep your blood glucose in a healthy range..

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The Effects of Hexarelin on the Cardiovascular System

Hexarelin has cardioprotective activity in common cardiovascular conditions such as cardiac fibrosis, and ischemic heart disease..

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Dr. Neinstein: Advances Liposuction Safety with Novel Surgical Safety Study

Each year, liposuction remains one of the most requested cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States..

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Should Senior Citizens Be Worried About the Monkeypox Epidemic?

Hirsch says that monkeypox is most likely to spread between people that have prolonged skin-to-skin contact with each other. Learn about what is monkeypox symptoms..

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